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Jouno stood in the doorway of the fallen elevator. "I know you're there." He said. "And I know you're watching me. You won't fare any better than the last assassin." There was a person standing a few paces back from Jouno. She had an unnatural steady heartbeat, in a way that reminded him of Teruko, almost. So, this must be the fabled Raijin. Teruko talked about her somewhat nemesis all the time, so Jouno had a pretty good idea of who he was dealing with.

"My, my." Raijin said. "You certainly are sharper than the rest." Jouno sighed. "Let me guess. You're the real killer, the guy in the elevator was my brother, and you're actually trying to kill me because you have it out for my biological family." Jouno said, completely annoyed with the situation, and sounding almost bored. Raijin shrugged. "Your dad killed my puppy." Jouno frowned. "Well, I didn't."

For a few seconds, no one said anything. "There are gods that are more extreme than me." Raijin said. That didn't make Jouno feel any better about the situation. "I'm part of Teruko's team. She won't continue your friendly rivalry if you kill me." This seemed to throw Raijin for a loop. This made Jouno feel like laughing. If Raijin was a goddess, one who had a whole thing against Teruko at that, why didn't she know that Jouno was a part of Teruko's team? That...didn't inspire much confidence in her godly powers.

"That's unfortunate." Raijin said. "I'm at a bit of a loss here." Jouno drew one of his daggers. "I wouldn't do that if I was you." Raijin said. "You're talking about killing me. If you decide you want to do that, I'm not going to go down easily." Raijin nodded. "I'd expect nothing less from the son of my greatest foe." Jouno was used to dealing with difficult people, but this was just extreme.

"I'm not Endeavour's son." Jouno said. "Teruko is my greatest foe." Raijin said, sounding offended. "I'm not Teruko's son either." Jouno said, equally offended. "You're still Endeavour's son biologically, though, no matter if he gave you away as a baby. It's unfortunate that you've been drawn into this, Jouno. You seem like a nice young man. I've never been blessed with children of my own, but if I had, it would be convenient for them to be blind. Many humans find me frightening." Jouno wanted to point out that what made her frightening probably wasn't her appearance, but her personality.

"I really don't know what to do here." Raijin said. That made two of them. Jouno probably couldn't beat Raijin in a fight, so he was stuck trying to stall for time until Fukuchi or Teruko showed up. The best thing he could do here would be to keep her talking. "Who do you have it out for Teruko so much?" Jouno asked. He'd found that over the years, villains usually liked to talk about their complex motivations. "She's my nemesis." Raijin said, like this should be obvious.

Raijin paused. "Humans are a dime a dozen." She finally said. "Even if you are one of Teruko's teammates, I'm sure she can always find more." Instinctively, Jouno used his power and dematerialized. He reappeared behind Raijin, and buried a dagger in her back. He then jumped backwards, out of the range of any potential attack. However, no such attack came. "'re not normal." Raijin said, sounding unhurt. Jouno frowned. "Yeah. You're not the first person to say that. Prepare to go the same way as the others."

Raijin shook her head. "I'm not talking about your disability. I'm talking about what you just did. That power of yours. It's not fully an ability, is it?" Raijin asked. Jouno didn't get how that was relevant. "What of it?" He asked. Raijin frowned. "Your parents are both quirk users. That shouldn't be possible. I'd thought you just had some kind of mutated quirk, not a full on ability. If you are what I think you are..."

Raijin trailed off, clearly thinking, and not letting Jouno in on what was going on in her mind. "I think it's best for me to withdraw." Raijin said. "I'll find some other way to avenge my creature. You're a curiosity, Jouno. I'll leave you and your family alone-for now-until I decide what I want to do about that. But I'll warn you: now that I know what you are, I'm sure I won't be the only one. If I were you, I'd start looking over my shoulder a whole lot more."

Jouno wanted to point out that he didn't look over his shoulder, he listened, which was much more effective. "What's the big deal with me having an ability?" Jouno asked. "You shouldn't exist." Raijin said bluntly. "In the days of old, people who had combinations of quirks and abilities were much stronger than the average human. They gave rise to the legends of demi-gods that are found all across the world. I wouldn't be surprised if your ability was part quirk, and your brother's quirk was part ability. There are a whole lot of people in this world that won't take kindly to that."

Raijin started to summon her power. "We'll meet again, Jouno." She said, not unkindly. "Take care. And maybe go pull your brother out of that elevator shaft." With that, Raijin disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving Jouno to think about what she'd said. He was in more danger than before, but he was a hunting dog. Danger wasn't exactly new to him. His power was unnatural. So what? But the guy in the elevator shaft was actually Jouno's brother. Jouno sighed, and headed towards the elevator shaft. This was going to be such a pain.

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