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It was 11 in the morning when Arjun's phone rang.

Though the wedding was over the previous morning itself, there were a lot of other things to do, as part of the family.

Which included the wedding reception the following evening after which anyone had barely gotten any sleep.

When he crashed on his bed last night, as he assumed it to be, his alarm literally went off.

The whole world was raising while he was just going to bed. And that's what you call a messed up sleep schedule.

Arjun groaned slightly at the sound, burying his face in the pillow.

Until he realized his phone had been left uncharged and switched for the past three days.

Who else had their phone in his room?

All the sleep was now gone from his eyes that were wide open.

Pushing the duvet away, he reached for your phone he had placed in the nightstand when he reached home last night, more like, early morning.

It had to be you. So he answered the call immediately and safe to say, it was indeed you.

"Arjun," you spoke from the other side of the call.

"It's me," he answered, voice a bit deep after his six hour slumber. "Y/n," he added, so that you had a little assurance because he knew your name.

"Thank gawd, I thought I lost my phone in the cab," you sighed in relief. "I left it with you before the pani puri, right? I thought I got it back."

You were mumbling the last words to yourself but he could hear them.

"I'm really sorry again. Can I get my phone from you today? Or anytime you're not busy," you added, not wanting to interrupt his programs.

"I have no plans today. Just tell me where I can meet you," Arjun said, sitting up on the bed.

"You're sure?" You asked, a little skeptical.

"Yeah," he got out of bed completely, already rummaging through his closet. "Could you text me where?"

"If you insist."

Time skip~

There are three things you should never do. One, lie to yourself. Two, break someone's trust. Three, go knocking at a stranger's door.

The third one was technically what Arjun was doing as he waited for the front door on the third floor of an apartment to open.

Plus, if anything goes wrong, he can always use the energy the pack of peanuts in the morning has given him.

He heard the lock click and waited calmly until the door opened and he could see you.

"Hey," Arjun said almost immediately while you moved to give him some space.

He was hoping just a little that his heartbeat would calm down.

Why? Because he's not yet sure about the chances that he'll not be murdered in your house.

"Hey," you greeted, smiled a little. "Come in."

You moved to give him some space and he walked into your studio apartment.

"You're trusting to let me in," Arjun said as he heard the door close but not lock. "I could be a psychopath for all you know."

"I love to believe," you replied, facing him. "Plus, what are the chances that we're both psychopaths," the smile was still on your face as you said it.

He didn't know how to react to that so he just reached for your phone that was in his jean pocket.

"Your phone," he handed it to you before he could forget why he was there. It happens sometimes. Like when he went to a store for a wallet and bought everything except that.

"Oh, yeah," you mumbled, "Thanks, dude. I would've literally starved without my phone."

You hadn't remembered about your phone until breakfast time when you wanted to look at the recipe you can never remember.

"Have a seat," you gestured at the couch that was five feet away from your bed.

Arjun sat on the corner, and you did the same on the edge of your bed, facing him.

"And he's Biscuit," you said, pointing to the other end of the couch.

He turned in that direction and only then did he notice the small fluff ball looking at him.

"Hey," he greeted with his mood lighting up even greatly at the sight of the brown poodle.

Slowly, Arjun extended his arm forward, letting Biscuit sniff his hand until he decided it was safe and walked across the couch.

You watched, a little amused as he got immediately comfortable with the cricketer.

It reminded you of the first time you met him in the shelter.

And you were already third wheeling by the time you spoke again.

"I owe you for the second time," you said. "Tell me any way I can repay you."

Arjun looked up at you as he played with Biscuit, an adorable smile on his face. "KFC?"

"On it," you replied before unlocking your phone.

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