𝟬𝟬𝟯 the mysterious death of chrissy cunningham

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EVEN BEFORE LIZ heard the news, something in the air seemed off the next morning and it wasn't just because Liz was hungover. It was like the entire town of Hawkins had come to a halt overnight. The air felt thick and cold, bringing chills down everyone's spines. Even Liz's dreams had been dark and chilling. It was like her body knew what was going on before her brain even truly did. The reminders of the years past and everything that had always started the horrors she was put through were showing up even in her dreams. Liz awoke that morning with a gasp after seeing the monster from the year before in her dream. She heard Max's screams when the monster had killed Billy. Liz quickly shook it off as the hangover settled over her.

Liz's head was killing her from the dehydration that the alcohol had brought her, the pain making her forget her dark dream. Liz slowly closed her eyes and put her head back on her pillow. She took a deep breath before blindly grabbing the large glass of water on her nightstand. Liz sat up slowly and chugged the entire glass, her organs thanking her for the sustenance. Liz slowly swung her legs off the side of the bed and got up, slowly shuffling her way to her bathroom. When she looked in the mirror, she cringed. Her hair was a mess and her eyes had dark bags under them. Liz slowly brushed her teeth, ridding her mouth of all the beer she had drank the night before.

Liz's father was on a work trip, her mother was at work in downtown Hawkins, and Steve was working his shift at Family Video so Liz was alone when she got downstairs. Liz made her way to the kitchen and grabbed some Eggos from the freezer, popping them in the toaster. As the Eggos cooked, she went to the living room and turned on the TV. Liz's eyes widened at the headline on the news alerting Hawkins that a student at Hawkins High was found dead that morning. Liz started watching, wondering if they were going to announce who the student was or keep it private since it was a minor. As Liz watched and the Eggos cooked, the doorbell rang. Liz ignored the doorbell and continued watching the TV but whoever was at the door kept ringing the doorbell. Liz finally sighed and dropped the remote, heading to the front door.

When Liz opened the door, the last person she expected to see was Max Mayfield. Liz furrowed her brows at Max. Liz was happy to see her but she was confused since Max seemed to want nothing to do with her the night before, "Max? What are you —"

"Have you seen the news?" Max interrupted.

Liz furrowed her brows and nodded, "Yeah, I was just watching it. A student died?"

"It was Chrissy," Max replied quickly. Liz's eyes widened as her brain processed what Max had told her. "Remember when we saw her last night at Eddie's trailer? The cops found her dead in his trailer this morning and he's missing."

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