Hero To One, A Freak To Others

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Water was a valuable source in these lands. One city filled with life, luxury, and lustful blessings thrive while the other crumbles into an endless desert. The people there were poor, famished, and in need of proper care. It was never like this. Both thrived equally as one, that is, till the day the water vanished. Leaving only the city to thrive as those in the suburbs shibble up and die.

"My dear?" The elder woman, penniless and frail, could not help but spy the all to familiar angel strapped down with roller skates, several wrapped packages in need of delivering before sun down "You should go home. What you're doing is by far too dangerous.."

The elder was right. Everyone knew little of this mysterious person due to the mask and rob. Some warned the masked one yet slowly ceased to as they brought each one the needed supplies from medical herbs, water, and various fruit. If lucky, they would be gifted pork. All was given without a fee. A blessing from God.

After the warning, knowing the risk of being caught in action, the masked one gifted each of the people the supplies they needed. Once all were sent away, the good soul zoomed their way towards the hospital. They did all they could, no one from the city to help save lives, however the masked one heard their plea. At the end of every week, a homemade delivery of medical supplies and remedies were self delivered to the people in need. Once again, there is no fee for it all. This was from the kindness of the masked one's heart.

Su Junzhu, the best of the best in that hospital, was always the first and last one to visit. She was the one who helped create a list of things for the masked one. Su Junzhu knew nothing of this mysterious stranger. However, she trusted them enough to help her people who suffer with not just illness but countless injuries. With such a list and tools, most of the time, herbal teas too, and the doctor always finds that everything the city could offer was neatly sealed away. Waiting to be used.

The masked one was just one single soul. One person. And they helped this community better than that greedy city could have ever done.

"Do you remember Mrs. Jo Lee?"

Mrs. Jo Lee was a mother of four. She was sent here to give birth to her fifth child, and with little technology to help, the gender was always a mystery till birth. Yet they do remember. A nod was sent the doctors way, slowly unloading the items into a metal large wagon. A medical wagon for Su Junzhu to pull inside herself. Saving lives till the next shipment for the end of next week.

The doctor smiles, finding the list completed like always "She gave birth to twins before the sun rises. There were, of course, issues within the process, but the medicine and tools were enough to keep her alive." A small chuckle left her lips as the masked one was taken back by the news, thinking it was just one baby, not long continues while examining the various mason jars of clear water "She is weak. We gave her everything to ensure she was well cared for. Before your arrival, she told me to thank you."

No voice, yet the masked one bows in joy. They do all this to help people. That was the type of person the mysterious masked one was.

Su Junzhu smiles softly, grasping the handles of the metal medical wagon, not long head inside as the masked one left. Roller skating to god knows where.


"Get away from me, you freak!"


The children in this school, an elementary school in Donghai City, bullied the smaller weaker children. In this city, you still covered your face. A scarf and a cat whisker mask to which covered your lower face. You prefer to hide your identity completely yet follow the school rules.

"Guys! Is that a limo?!"

The bullies that shoved and tripped you turn their attention to the limo. Eyes widen a tad more to find the door opening. Many guards came out before surrounding this one person stuck in the middle.

The children rushed to see who it was, eager to be noticed, to which you didn't care. Picking up all that spilled out your school backpack. The once stacked completed papers of homework are now sprawled out in every direction. Even worse, writing utensils were now scattered into the grass and every cranny of this crappy clean freak hallway. Most of it you recovered, but most were still not found...

"Looking for this?"

This voice was deathly familiar. The child, who scrambles on putting back everything in the correct order it was before, was startled by the presence of what came behind them. There stood about six buff and lean black suite and hat men with mask. All stood around this one particular man. Guarding him as if children could actually harm him. He fiddled with one of your many easers. The smugly all to high ego was on his face, knowing he could have ignore this puny child, but decided it would be good for his image to help the kid.

"What? Don't you want it back or not?"

The child decided to pick themselves up, make sure everything was sealed, and preformed the most disrespectful act in this city. Say nothing and walk the fuck away.

He blinks, twice in case he wasn't seeing things clearly, to which grew slightly furious at this child's actions. In fact, that poor easer was frozen within a matter of seconds. Crushing it into dust within his very hand.

He was sent here not on his accord. In fact, he was sent to find the so called 'Masked Angel'. Orders set for him by his father to which he will prevail in doing so.

Ao Bing decided to remain calm, slouching to the side, not in the mood to do much here, whisper to one of his many guards "Follow that kid." to which begins to eye those who were eager to be noticed by him.

He was the Ao Bing. The next heir of this very city. Of course they want to be noticed too.

The fish humanoid guard did as ordered. Following the small one all the way to their classroom.

He thought he was doing an excellent job in keeping an eye on the twerp. The problem only turned sour the moment he glanced into the door window; Not a single soul inside.

All that was there was two open windows, pastel blue curtains gently dancing in the sheer cold wind...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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