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I stare at Evelyn and Doug as they seem to hold a secret between themselves, uncertain if they should tell the truth, or allow me to discover everything on my own.

Evelyn's comment about the full moon had swiftly caught my attention as I looked over at her, wishing she'd be honest with me. Tears fell from my eyes as I do not know why all of this was happening to was just like a nightmare...or a bad case of karma.

"What does the full moon have to do with any of this?" I demanded as Evelyn seemed conflicted.

"Maybe nothing." she looks back at her dad for guidance and strength "He should remain here for the time being. He might be on the verge of...uhm...well, you know what I am talking about. You did find him on Mizu after all, right?"

"Yeah, right where Oliver said he would be. Still a miracle that he survived that storm!"

"Mizu?" I first asked, then added "Verge of what? What is happening to me? Please, tell me!" I inquired as she shakes her head, refusing to tell for the time being.

"I should go talk to Yuzuki; she might have answers about what is going on." Evelyn commented "Besides, I have some other things to discuss with her." I listened as I felt left out of this important conversation.

"Please!" I yell out in frustration "Tell me what is going on with me! Am I sick? Is that why you will not say? Normal people do not regress like this!"

Evelyn and Doug glanced at one another for the longest time as I wanted them to talk honestly to me. Evelyn then comes over as she looks at my skin and then at my hair, inspecting me. I try to rise, feeling that I should just leave and find the answers for myself. But my attempt ended with me falling hard upon the tile floor as I had the air knocked right out of my lungs.

Doug helped me back up as I was all teary eyed. He tried to assure me that I would be alright, but as I look at my legs, I notice that I cannot actually feel them! Nor bear any weight upon my feet.

"I... I cannot stand...!" I whined, holding tightly onto him, afraid to fall "Please, don't drop me!"

"Could this be the same thing that is going on with you?" Doug asks as Evelyn shakes her head.

"I don't know." she honestly answers. "But I intend get answers!"

Doug lays me back down upon the bathroom floor, but I try to stand and fall once more. Each time that I try to stand up, I just end up falling back down. I am so terrified that I do not speak a single word afterwards, just lying there on the floor as I feel like my legs were tingling, as if blood was flowing through them once more.

Evelyn goes over to the sink and takes a glass of water, mixing it with sea salt.

"This might hurt." she warns, pouring the water over my left hand. I watch the water flow around my digits as my hand starts to cramp. I hiss in pain as the skin begins to emanate a blue glow that was accompanied by an odd vibration sensation, just under the flesh.

The whole hand then began to snap and break as I cried out in agony. My fingers became slender and delicate, which looked odd compared to my other hand. The glowing blue light then aggressively covered my whole body as I thrashed around in agony, screaming.

"Please!" I screamed out "Make it stop! It hurts!"

I feel my chest push in, my shoulders thinning out as my hips strain against my dried clothes. My feet snap as the bones break...I feel like I am being ripped apart from the inside out.

My body begins to thin in areas that do not need thinning, and swelling in areas that most certainly do not need any additional mass.

My hair lengthens as I can literally feel it growing out from my scalp! I tire out and nearly pass out upon the stone tiles, somehow maintaining consciousness as I pant, out of breath once more.

Atlantean Doctrine Book 2 - The Crystal Cave (TG/TF Story)Where stories live. Discover now