Chapter 1 : Just Once

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It was customary for the local nobles to gather during these famous social evenings, in which drunkenness and lust took place. These were regularly masked evenings, so as to go as unnoticed as possible.

William hated these meetings, but as the second son - unofficially - of the Moriarty siblings, the young earl had to be present. Albert was there too, but he seemed completely in his element. The eldest continued to drink glasses of wine without showing any sign of weakness. Louis, the youngest of the family, remained behind William, quite disturbed by the frivolity of certain guests. Some nobles, both men and women, were talking together quite openly, which made the youngest terribly uncomfortable. The three brothers each wore a ball mask, as suggested in their host's invitation. Louis remained close to William, as if hidden in his brother's skirts, hoping not to find himself alone during this evening which was not at all to the taste of the two young men.

-William, I don't like this place.
-Me neither Louis. But take it upon yourself. It shouldn't last long.
-Albert seems to be having fun anyway, let's look at the positive side of things.

William gave a little amused smile at Louis' remark. The eldest had already abandoned the two youngest for a while now and was drinking one after another, rather in good company. Several suitors circled around him and were clearly trying to seduce him, with little wandering hands. Albert did not seem receptive to these proposals, the oldest preferred to drink again and again until he was no longer thirsty. William looked away towards the assembly, trying to find something more interesting to do than just watching. his older brother deliberately getting drunk.

His gaze fixed on a man, from behind, with ebony hair, roughly tied in a ponytail. Dressed quite elegantly for the occasion, the man was sipping a glass of wine with one hand, and in the other holding a half-burned cigarette.

It's " him " William thought, as if obsessed by this person.

-Louis, would you like to get us something to drink? We might as well enjoy the evening too.

The younger brother complied without much question and William took the opportunity to slip away discreetly towards the subject of his interest. Arriving at his height, he whispered in a playful voice to his interlocutor, still with his back to him:

-I never thought I would meet the best detective in London on such an evening.

The said "detective" turned around upon hearing this voice which was not unknown to him, and was clearly surprised to come across his Liam in such an evening of debauchery. He expected everything, except to hear this voice that he would recognize among thousands, her voice . 

The mask that Sherlock wore gave him a crazy charm, which clearly did not leave William indifferent. The detective looked into the professor's azure eyes, and time seemed to freeze for an instant. They were flirting again, it had become a habit now. William had the feeling of being stared at from head to toe despite his mask, completely exposed. The kind of feeling that only the detective managed to give him. Sherlock, amused by the situation, joined the blond's game.

-And I never thought I would meet you here professor, I didn't think you were begging for this kind of "games".

William swallowed, quite embarrassed by this remark. Certainly he was present, but it was not at all intentional. Fortunately his mask was there to hide the slight redness that appeared unexpectedly on his cheeks. 

-You are very enterprising, Mr. Holmes. I am present out of simple politeness, we had to respond to such an invitation, although I don't really like it. 
-Albert and Louis are there too.

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