Chapter 1-I have a secret

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Hey I am Coroline, but everyone calls me Coral & I have a secret. I am 15 and I go to Jason Lew High. I have bright purple hair, dark green eyes, oh & I am a fairy. No one knows I am a fairy, not even my dad. Anyways, I am at my locker, & then all of a sudden it slams shut & standing there is Stacy. Stacy is the captain of the cheerleading squad, she has dark red hair which is always up in a braid, green eyes, perfect skin, well she is basically your average diva. "Hey Caroline" Stacy says.
"It's Coroline, get it right Stacy, I said.
She always says my name wrong, and I can tell she is doing it on purpose.
"Whatever Coroline. I didn't get my homework done last night, so give me yours" Stacy said.
There is no way I was giving her my homework to copy.
"No Stacy" I said "its your fault you didn't get it done last night baca use you were getting mochas with the squad"
Again, she is not getting my homework.
"Wow Coroline you sound like your mom, but where is she now? Oh that's right, she's in jail"
I swear I could just blast her with a bad luck spell right then and there, but if I did, I would get into trouble. It was true, my mom was in jail, she robbed a bank. Back to Stacy, I just kept my cool & pushed past her with me head, I didn't even care when she shouted.
"You'll be sorry Caroline" She said.
For once I didn't even care if she said my name wrong, besides, I was late for class.

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