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The infamous Wiskayok High School champion soccer team, the Yellowjackets, boarded the plane as I stood in the cockpit watching them enter from behind the wall.

I had heard of them; how were they all so attractive?

My dad, the pilot, chuckled seeing me watching the girls walk in and find their seats. I turned to him, confused I asked "What?" He smiled and leaned back slightly.

"Didn't think you were the snooping type?" He said nudging his co-pilot Fred as he chuckled as well. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the seat by the side of the cockpit with a huff, my arms crossed.

"I just don't have a lot of friends really, that's all," My dad hummed at that response as he turned back to the plane's controls checking them over once more.

I felt stupid to say that I didn't have friends but it was true. I never really felt the need to get close to anyone as I'd go to my dad's every month and he lives in another city so having a friend would be a little inconvenient.

"Why don't you introduce yourself to them?" Fred suggested as he turned his body to face me. I silently agreed as I thought to stand next to the flight attendant, Janet.

"I'll be up the back," I said quickly as I stood up eagerly but calmed myself down as I walked from the front of the plane to the back where the entry door was, shuffling past the passengers.

I stood next to Janet as she welcomed everyone on board as they walked in. I had known Janet for a good few years, she was almost like an aunt to me so she could sense my excitement of maybe making friends with some of these girls.

"You should introduce yourself to them," Janet uttered continuing to smile and welcome the girls who came on board.

I shuffled my feet, "I dunno, don't they have like a competition or something to focus on?"

Janet hummed in reply as I stood awkwardly next to her, receiving confused looks from the girls coming in.

Some of the girls who walked smiled at me, a blonde girl with a cross necklace and a girl with glasses were among some of them whilst the other girls either looked confused or walked past awkwardly.

As more girls filled the cabin, I was surprised when I saw two boys enter, one looked to be the younger brother of the other.

I unintentionally flushed seeing the older boy, his squared jawline and deep brown eyes glancing at me for a moment as he nodded, acknowledging me. My lips pursed in response and my eyes followed him, watching as he sat down heavily with his brother sitting down next to him. 

The two coaches of the team entered then, once everyone had sat down, Janet reached out to close the door of the plane and locked it shut. 

We both walked down to the front of the plane, I continued walking to sit in the cockpit but Janet quickly grabbed my shoulders and pulled me to stand next to her, facing the passengers.

I grumbled in disapproval.

"Welcome everyone to today's flight," Janet projected confidently as all eyes fell to the front of the room. I shrunk back feeling self-conscious.

"I am your flight attendant Janet and this is Ellie, she will be assisting me today so don't hesitate to say hello," Janet looked down at me smiling, radiating with confidence whilst I felt like all my confidence had been sucked out of me, ran out as soon as the door to the hull had closed.

I stood uncomfortably next to Janet as she explained the basic safety procedures and such. I raised my eyes from the floor to glance around at the many faces of the people in front of me.

As Long As I Have You ~ OC x Travis Martinez ~ Yellowjackets FanficWhere stories live. Discover now