Chapter 3: Bargaining

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I jumped awake to the sound of yelling. I looked around me and realised I was still on the couch but must've fallen asleep.

The yelling was coming from outside as I watched as the few people who had been in the cabin rushed outside to see what the noise was.

I stood up hearing the desperate shouting turn into swearing as I recognised the voice, it was Ben.

Walking towards the door, I peered my head around the doorframe and felt my stomach drop as I saw Ben writhing on the ground, cursing at himself and angrily swearing at his bandaged leg.

"What the fuck do you want?!?" Ben exclaimed, facing the group. We stayed silent, partly from shock and partly because we just didn't know how to comfort a grown man, an adult.

Misty, being the only one in the group to do something, kneeled down and leaned over to place a hand on Ben's shoulder. "Get the fuck away from me, Misty!!" He slapped her across the face as the group looked on in horror.

Misty had fallen back a bit, her lip bleeding as she stared at Ben who was sobbing on the floor.

Again, no one else moved to help but Misty reached towards Ben once more, instead this time, she sat on the edge of the porch and lifted Ben so that he was sitting between her legs. She shushed him softly and whispered that it was okay.

"Why couldn't I have died?" Ben's pained words struck the group forcefully. This was the reality of our situation.

"Because we needed you,' Misty said gravely, still holding him close.

"And I needed you, Ben. I'm here for you," She said softly causing a few of the others to shoot each other confused looks or shift uncomfortably.

The tension grew more as Misty held Ben close, shushing his sobs. The group began to disperse, either going inside or simply walking away, leaving the two.

I stood for a few moments longer before slowly leaving to head into the forest a bit. I thought I could maybe just find somewhere to sit and just be alone for a few moments so I walked off into the trees; the sounds of Ben's sobbing getting more distant with every step I took.

As the sounds of Ben's sobbing became lost in the distance that separated me from the cabin, the trees grew thicker and the crunching of the leaves under my Converse became louder.

I halted in my tracks as the sounds of sniffling could be heard though it couldn't have been Ben since I was a minute or two away from the cabin now.

I slowly approached where the sounds were coming from, making sure to be as quiet as possible.

I poked my head around a tree and saw...Javi?

He was sitting on a fallen tree, head in his hands and softly sniffing. He must have still been here from when he followed Travis out here.

I stood behind the tree just watching, trying to decide if I should approach him or not. I let out a silent breath before slowly walking up to Javi, trying not to startle him.

His head shot up at the sound of my footsteps, fear flashing across his face and leaving just as quickly as he shuffled awakwardly, his eyes downcast.

I stood for a second before hesitantly sitting on the log next to him but keeping my distance.

We sat in silence, not saying a word before I heard Javi's voice speak up quietly.

"What was the yelling before?"

I turned my head to look at him; his eyes were still locked on the floor and his arms wrapped around his legs.

"Oh, it was Ben, he um..." I trailed off, unsure of what to say. His eyes met mine for a moment, awaiting an answer.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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As Long As I Have You ~ OC x Travis Martinez ~ Yellowjackets FanficWhere stories live. Discover now