Chapter 2: Anger

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The night passed as the group thought about whether there was actually a lake. After Taissa had told them, Shauna announced that it was best that they talk about it the next day since they were all tired and it was best to make a decision when well rested.

The next morning, everyone gathered around to discuss the decision that was going to be made. I stood anxiously as I awaited the inevitable fighting about to occur.

Taissa looked around at the group reading the expressions; there was a mix of excitement, fear and confusion.

"We need to leave this place and head to the lake, its safer,"

"Uh, we can't just...leave," Jackie said standing up, gesturing to the area we had made our home for the past 3 days.

Taissa looked at her annoyed before saying to the group, "We've got two days of water, tops. And then what? We just sit around and die?" The group took in the information. I felt fear bundle in the pit of my stomach, were we going to die out here?

The group stood in silence for a moment, looking around at each other.

"What if the rescue team comes?" Jackie said, trying to convince Taissa to forget about it, to her, it was best to wait here until the rescue team came if they ever came.

"Do you think they're taking their time on purpose?" Taissa countered back as she looked around at the girls before her. "If they knew where we were they'd be here already,"

Jackie smiled tightly and narrowed her eyes at Taissa. "You don't know that,"

I rolled my eyes. I had only known these people for a little over two days and I knew for a fact that this would go on for a while.

"What do you think, coach?" Laura Lee says suddenly as everyone turns to face Coach Scott.

I looked at the poor man, he had gone through so much pain and I hadn't really spoken to him at all so I wouldn't be surprised if he had no idea who I was.

He was sitting on one of the chairs from the plane that had been pulled out. He held up his severed leg that had been wrapped in bandages and took a breath before speaking.

"I don't-I don't know. I mean you'd have to leave me behind, I guess, but whatever." He said, his voice forced presumably from the pain.

"We could make you a stretcher," Taissa quickly responded as Jackie laughed thinking that this whole 'lake idea' was a joke.

I rolled my eyes and looked down, not wanting to be involved with the argument taking place. They argued for a few moments more, causing the group to now be split between the two opinions.

Soon Taissa called for a vote, "All in favour of waiting here..." She paused in the silence as Jackie confidently raised her hand and looked around for others. Laura Lee, Mari and Lottie raised their hands along with her.

I kept my hand firm by my side, we needed to move because if we were going to survive at all, no matter for how long, we needed to move somewhere better than the wreckage. The lake could provide water and food if we got lucky and that's much better odds than waiting there.

"All in favour of the lake," Taissa said raising her hand causing everyone else to raise their hands. As I raised mine slowly, I noticed that Coach Ben hadn't raised his hand at all. Maybe because he felt guilty that if we go to the lake, we have to carry him there.

After a moment Taissa lowered her hand and spoke to the group, "Then it settled, grab your shit,"

The group dispersed and began grabbing what they could and putting it into their bags; whatever bags had survived the crash.

As Long As I Have You ~ OC x Travis Martinez ~ Yellowjackets FanficWhere stories live. Discover now