Chapter 1: Denial

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On the third day of being stranded in the wilderness, we buried the dead bodies, including my dad's.

As the others began carrying out the bodies from the plane, I tried to keep back the emotions as I continued digging out a hole in the ground with a piece of scrap metal from the plane.

I watched as they brought out the body of Janet, I stopped and looked at her sadly.

I climbed out of the grave I was digging and stood above her smiling down sadly. I place down the scrap metal and move closer to Janet.

"Hey, Janet," I say sadly as they lowered her next to Fred who was already on the floor.

The bodies were being lined up against each other before we were going to put them into the graves that were being dug.

I looked between them sadly as I felt someone standing behind me. "Did you know their names?" I turned and it was Lottie who was looking down at Janet and Fred.

"Yeah, Janet and Fred. They were like family friends but...closer than that," I said with a sad smile as Lottie nodded.

"We'll put that on their headstones," She said referencing the headstones that Laura and Mari were making out of scraps from the plane to put over their graves.

I waited anxiously for the moment when they would carry out my dad's body and felt tears in my eyes start to form.

Lottie noticed and placed a hand on my shoulder, offering her comfort.

I turned to her and smiled as I took a deep breath.

She then walked away to help dig the graves. I watched as a group of girls and Travis moved Coach Martinez's body next to the others.

I watched as Javi began crying and Travis, after putting down his father's body, wrapped an arm around him and looked at his father's body with a mix of sorrow and anger.

As I saw a glimpse of another group carrying out the body of my father, my breath hitched in my throat and couldn't bare to look at him. I turned around and started breathing shakily and walked away a bit.

I leaned up against a tree and tried to steady my breathing. I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks as I tried to push the image of my father's dead body out of my head.

My breath was shaking as I tried to slow my heartbeat so I could go back and help.

After another minute, I took a deep breath and began to walk back to the others.

I helped to lower the other bodies into their graves as a few around me cried softly.

The bodies required a good few people to lift, who knew dead bodies would be so heavy?

We finally went to my dad's body and, as I looked at him, I took a deep breath and began to lift him along with a few others. I knew that if I began to cry now, it would make carrying him into the grave all the harder.

We slowly placed him down and I took a step back for a moment, feeling the warm tears roll down my cheeks. A few people looked at me sadly whilst Shauna placed her hand on my shoulder in comfort.

The tears in my eyes began to flow faster as I watched as they started covering the graves by pushing the dug-up dirt back on top.

As soon as the group had finished covering up the graves, I slowly walked over to the place where my dad had been buried and couldn't help but sob.

"I'm so sorry, Dad," I sobbed out as I kneeled next to his grave.

I felt a few others watching me and I could see that Javi was also crying over his dad's body with Travis next to him.

As Long As I Have You ~ OC x Travis Martinez ~ Yellowjackets FanficWhere stories live. Discover now