Chapter 3

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“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU.” Four people sing songed together as they gathered around their little baby’s bed.

Jungkook flinched because of the loud noise as he hurriedly woke up from his beauty sleep. He looked at the people in front of him and tilted his head in confusion, still not able to understand what's happening around him.

“Happy birthday my baby.” His mom said as she slowly hugged her little bean.

Jungkook slowly blinked his eyes as things started registering into his boba head, he squeled loudly as he remembered that it's his birthday.

“IT’S MY BIRTHDAY.” he said enthusiastically, melting the heart's of the people in the room. He quickly hugged his mother then he stood up from his seat and one by one hugged his whole family, his father, his hyung and his noona. (his brother's wife)

“Happy birthday baby bunny.” his noona said as she pinched his chubby cheeks.

He passed her a big smile and said, “Thank you so much to all of you.”

“Omo, honey look at him. He hasn't even found his mate yet and he's already being so formal with his own family.” his mother dramatically sighed, while leaning against her husband's chest.

“Eommaaa, stop teasing me.” Jungkook whined while hugging his Noona.

His brother's name is Jeon Eric and his Noona A.K.A his sister-in-law’s name is Jeon Jihyo.

After sometime they made him cut the homemade cake which was made by his Eomma and Noona and then everyone got busy in preparation of their little prince’s birthday party.

Jungkook's bestfriend and his Noona took it upon themselves to doll up the Omega on his big day.

To say that Jungkook was excited and nervous at the same time would be an understatement because hell he was freaking out.

“Noona what if my mate doesn't like me? What if they hate my appearance? What will I do then?” He asked in a small voice, insecurity taking over him.

Oh, trust me Kookie he's already whipped for you.’ Sumi thought to herself and then she smiled at the younger,“Kookie baby your mate would love you more than anyone would have ever loved their mate.” Sumi said to him while brushing his fluffy soft hairs.

“Exactly and stop being insecure about your looks. You are the most beautiful Omega I've ever seen on the face of earth.” Jihyo said and kissed his forehead.

“Yess and trust me your mate would worship the ground you will walk on.” Sumi said to him.

Jungkook giggled at both of his Noona’s verdicts and somehow it gave him hope that his mate would love him a lot.

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