Chapter 5

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It's not proofread so please ignore my mistakes, I'll correct them later on.

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Sunrays were hitting the thin curtains of the little Omega's room making him squirm in his beauty sleep.

"Kookie, wake up. Our mate is in the house. I want to talk to him." his wolf, Gguk spoke in his head.

"Gguk please stop talking as the first thing in the morning. I'm sleepy." Jungkook whined.

"But Kook our mate.." Gguk spoke in a small voice.

"Oh. My. God. He's here. Thank you for reminding me Ggukie." Jungkook spoke as he quickly discarded his blanket and stood up from his bed. His mind was still not working properly because he was still very much sleepy but with a lot of strength he dragged himself to the washroom so that he could freshen up and finally meet his Alpha. He quickly took a bath, and got ready.

After being satisfied with his looks he skipped his way towards the dining room downstairs. As he entered the dining room, the scene in front of him melted his heart into a puddle.

His Big True Blood Alpha was sitting like a child on one of the chairs, looking like a scared baby bear whereas Jungkook's or rather their mom was feeding him like there's no tomorrow.

"Eommaaa, it's enough. I'm full I can't eat anymore." Taehyung whined like a little baby.

"Noo~ it's not enough Tae, it's not. Look at yourself. You Big Alpha. You need more food." Mrs. Jeon said in a loving tone.

"But Eomma. I can't--"

"Tae baby please have some more." She protested.

"Okay, I will but with Kookie. Let him come then I'll have more with him." Taehyung said as his eyes lit up with the thought of eating with his mate.

"Ohho, that brat doesn't eat breakfast Tae--"

"Wait. What? Why? He's so small he needs more food. A lot more than me. Why don't you make him eat more. Eomma this is so wrong--"

His rambling was cut off by the older woman, "Tae do you really think that I would starve your little mate? I make him eat a lot and the fact that he's so small is because he's an Omega. Andd to answer your main question - your dear mate doesn't eat breakfast because that mischievous kid never wakes up at the time of breakfast. He always wakes up around lunch time." Mrs. Jeon said, shaking her head at the True Blood's weird expression.

"OH, Ohh." Taehyung let out. "so he won't be awake until lunch?" Taehyung asked in a small voice.

"Nope, he won't--" Mrs. Jeon's words got cut off.

"I AM AWAKE." Jungkook shouted as he stomped towards his mother and mate.

"Oh. God. Taehyung baby am I hallucinating? Or is this really my Jungkookie?" Jungkook's mother dramatically asked Taehyung as she sat beside him and kept her hand on her heart.

"Eomma it's Jungkookie only." Taehyung said confusingly and then he signalled the little one to come and sit beside him which the younger did.

Humping at his mother's dramatic acts Jungkook sat beside Taehyung and said while rolling his eyes, "Eommaaa, stop being so dramatic. I can wake up for breakfast. I just never feel like waking up early, except for today." he mumbled the last few words and stared at his Mate with heart eyes, but the two older's heard him anyway. "Good Morning Taetae." he said sweetly.

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