Chapter 9

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Finallyyy updating this after two and a half months!!! 🫂

This book has crossed 16k+ readsss!!! 😭❤️

Thank you so much to each and every one of you for giving it so much of love! And thank you for waiting for me. I love you all so much! 😭❤️✨


The morning light filtered through the curtains as Taehyung sat up, the events of last night replaying in his mind. He could still hear Jungkook’s voice, soft and vulnerable, echoing in his head. Knowing his mate was safe for now brought him a sense of relief, but also a renewed urgency to finish his business and return to his home.

Taehyung rose from his bed and dressed quickly, his thoughts focused on Jungkook. He knew that the discussions and strategies for the upcoming war needed his full attention, but his heart was with his mate.

As he stepped out of his room, he found Namjoon waiting for him in his house. “Good morning, Taehyung. Did you manage to get some rest?” The older has Taehyung's house’s keys so it's not a shock to find him here.

Taehyung nodded, though the circles under his eyes told a different story. “Morning, hyung. I’m ready to discuss our plans for today.”

Namjoon smiled reassuringly. “Don’t worry, we’ll handle this together. Let's join the others for breakfast.”

They made their way to the dining hall where Alpha Jeon, Alpha Dawon, and the other official pack members were already gathered. The air was thick with the anticipation of the day’s discussions.

Alpha Jeon greeted Taehyung with a nod. “Taehyung, I hope you rested well. We have much to discuss.”

Taehyung smiled and took a seat beside him. “Yes, Appa. I’m ready.”

Alpha Dawon leaned forward, his expression serious. “We need to finalize our strategy for the upcoming battle. Having a True Blood Alpha on our side is a significant advantage, but we must plan carefully.”

Alpha Jeon interjected, his voice grave. “Taehyung, you must understand the gravity of the situation. Twenty years ago, the Red Moon Pack almost annihilated this pack. They sought power over Silver Moon and nearly succeeded. We barely managed to fend them off, and many lives were lost in the process.”

Taehyung's eyes widened in surprise. “I had heard stories, but I didn’t know it was that severe.”

Namjoon nodded solemnly. “It was a dark time. The Red Moon Pack is ruthless, and their leader is relentless. They desire control over our pack because it's one of the biggest and strongest pack around with great alliances. It is also said that they want to control the True Blood Lineage, that is you, Taehyung. They will stop at nothing to gain these powers.”

Alpha Dawon added, “We managed to win that battle by sheer luck and determination, but this time, the Red Moon Pack will come back stronger. They have been preparing for years, and their forces have grown. They are more ruthless now than ever before.”

Alpha Jeon continued, his tone urgent. “This is why we need to be fully prepared. Silver Moon must be fortified, and we need to ensure that every pack member is ready for what’s to come. We cannot afford any weaknesses.”

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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