Chapter 2 Deja Vu

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As Zach and I were finishing up our ice cream, I got a call from Claire.

"Hello?" I answered the phone.

"They've made a new hybrid." Claire blurts out.

"They what?!?"

"Dr. Wu, he works here, he says that the new hybrid is called the Remonus Rex. It's a little bigger than the Indominus, but they've made sure that it's habitat is much more secure than the last one." Claire explains.

"Have you told Owen and Gray yet?" I ask.

"Gray knows, I've got to tell Owen." Claire says before she hangs up.

"What was all of that about?" Zach asks. "They've made a new hybrid." I say. Zach's eyes go wide before he starts tackling me with questions. "How big is it? Will it escape? What's it called? Where is it? Can we go see it?" Zach asks as I try and concentrate on looking for Owen. "Very big, I have no idea, I also don't know, and definitely not." I say to answer all of his questions.

"Owen" I shout when I spot him talking to some security guards. "What's going on?" I ask. "They want to make the attraction public tomorrow without even making sure that it's safe." Owen groans. "What!?" I shout and go up to the security guards. "You can't just make the exhibit public without making sure it's safe!" I argue. "Relax, kid. That cage will hold it in. Why don't you go back to watching Disney Channel or something?" The guard scoffed. "Hey, don't talk to her like that." Owen said. The guard, who was much smaller than Owen, backed away and let us into to attraction.

"Thank God you guys are here!" Claire said. "Hi, Gray." I said and went up to Gray. "Is it going to escape?" Gray asks. "Probably." Zach says. I give him a Glare

glare before I turn back to Gray. "Never." I say and he relaxes. "Claire, glad you could make it." Henry Wu says. So, he's actually working here?

"I present to you, the Remonus Rex." Wu says and leads us to a dome shaped building that surrounds the habitat. "Is the dinosaur from Rome?" Gray whispers. "Sounds like it." I giggle.

"Right this way." Wu says and he stops at a large window. "Lower the crane, please" Wu says and a crane with a large piece of raw meat is attached to it. "It takes a few seconds for him to come out." Wu said.

We hear a loud roar- but don't see it. There's no stomping sound, but there's a sort of flapping sound. "Can that thing fly?" I ask, scared of what's going to happen next. "As far as I know, it can't fly. I'm the one who designed it. It's impossible for him to fly." Wu says and look for the R-Rex through the glass window.

The flapping gets louder and louder until it stops and the ground slightly shakes. There's a low growl before I see 2 dead bodies dropped on the ground. I recognize them as the two foolish security guards that took absolutely FORVER to open the gate last time the boys and I were chased by Pterodactyls.

"You said it couldn't fly!" Owen said. Claire, Owen, and Wu started arguing while the boys and I got a closer look at the R-Rex. It basically looked like the Indominus but with wings. It stated at us and made a low growling noise before it ran forward and stuck a claw into the glass.

"Did it have wing last time you saw it?!" I shouted and backed away from the glass along with the others. "It was never supposed to have wings in the first place!" Wu answered back as he pulled the alarm. Guards came rushing in and examined the glass. The R-Rex was nowhere to be seen until it came out of nowhere and stuck a claw through the glass which went straight through one if the guards.

"Vivian, this is not a drill. We have an asset out of containment. This is not a drill!" Claire shouts into her phone. I hear more alarms go off before I hear an even more terrifying sound. The sound of glass shattering. I slowly turn around to see the R-Rex trying to get in. I'm too scared to move.

"Ema, we have to go!" Zach says and pulls me. I snap back to reality and run. We make it to the control room and once Claire enters, she is bombarded with questions.

"Everyone- remain calm. We have an asset out of containment that can apparently fly- but we've dealt with this sort of problem before." Claire says slowly. Everyone slowly nods and continues to work.

"Lowery, there's a tracking device. Where is it?" I ask. "He hasn't ripped it out, since it's moving. That's good. He- is, in the Valley." Lowery says. "Is there anybody there?" I ask. "Just the animals." He replies. "How do we kill it?" Owen asks. "What? You're not killing it- That's 30 million dollars wasted!" Wu argues. "It's either that or have hundreds of people dead and never open the park again!" Owen says, obviously angry.

Wu finally shuts up and a team is sent to track down the R-Rex and to attempt killing it. They couldn't even kill the Indominus, how are they supposed to kill this thing?

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter! Is this short? And yeah, I know it's sort of boring... It's just that I've got dance nationals tomorrow and I'm super nervous bc it's in NY and I live in FL. So muchhhh presureeeeee okie dokie, bai.

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