Chapter 8 (Fetus Taylor)

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I saw the fetus version of the Magcon Boys at Universal Studios yesterday. They were all about 12 or 13 years old. What really freaked me out was this kid who looked exactly like Taylor. He was wearing a tie-dye tank with a red bandanna. He also had the braces and the big (but adorable) nose. (IK, THIS WAS UNNECESSARY, BUT AT THE SAME TIME IT WAS NECESSARY)


I woke up the next morning with Alex's lips on my cheek. I may or may have not kind of freaked out and smacked him on the head."What the fu- Oh, oops?" Alex said. "Yeah, it better have been an accident." I sass. Alex shrugs before exiting the tiny hut. I wonder how the others are doing? Are they looking for us? Did they even n- My thoughts were interrupted by a small yelp and a few whimpers. Great.. Alex must have messed up his hair or something. I sigh and crawl out of the hut and see Alex crawling back in, taking me with him. "Wh-" I was cut off by a hand being placed on my mouth.

I looked up and tried looking at what had startled Alex using the little holes in the leaves. The R-Rex was flying around us, it got closer and closer every second.

I slowly removed his stinky hand from my mouth and held my breath. A loud roar was heard before the sound of flapping faded away. I released my breath and took a glance at the sky to make sure that it was gone.

"Now that it's gone, and we're free to talk, we should get to know each other." Alex piped. "Get to know each other? What's there to know?"

"Your favorite color, interests, things like that." He explains. "You go first." I say, eager to hear what he's actually like. "Well, my favorite color is dark blue, before landing a spot here, I was working at Target back in Texas, my family doesn't exactly envy Hoskins, and I think you're hot." He smirks.

"My turn. My favorite color is light blue, I've ways worked here, my parents are dead, Owen hates you, and I think your an obnoxious beast."

"A little harsh, don't you think?" He gasps, placing a hand over his heart. "No, I think that sums it up." I say, plastering an innocent smile across my face. "No wonder Owen can't stand you. You're such a buzzkill!" He chuckles. "Buzzkill? Take a look, buddy! We're in the middle of hybrid infested jungle!" I complain.

"Have you heard yourself speak? You sound like my mom." He groans.

Well, his mom must be a very nice and mature person, unlike his son. "Forget it, there's no use arguing." I give in. "Finally, you say something that I agree with. No wonder Zach cheated on you." My eyes go wide after hearing what just came out of his mouth. "You little-" I grab a handful of mud from the ground a throw it straight at his face. The smelly, sticky mud oozes down his face and splatters on to his boots.

"I think you deserve a hug." He grins and wraps his, smelly, arms around me. His face nuzzle into my neck, getting the mud all over my body. "Ew! Alex! That's disgusting!" I say and kick him. He falls backwards, and I let out a few giggles before I feel my body being pulled down.

I fall down, along with Alex, into a puddle of disgusting mud. I wipe some off of my face and rub it into Alex's hair. "Crap, no! No, no, no, no, no, you ruined my hair!" He complains. I can't help but let out a burst of laughter. "Y- Your hair? That's pathetic!" I giggle.

I let myself fall back into the mud, which turns out not to be mud after all... I feel my body slowly sinking and I start to panic. "Alex, this isn't mud." I whisper. "Don't be stupid, it's mud." He says, and attempts to stand up, but miserably fails. "Oh gosh." He says.

By now, my body is already more than half way into the quicksand. "That branch!" Alex says and grabs a nearby tree branch. He tugs on the branch, and manages to get at least an inch of his body out of the sand before it breaks. "Shoot," He mumbles.

"Don't move." I whisper. "Wh-" He says, before realizing that if we speak, we're done for. Up ahead, Hybrid #19 could be seen. It looked like it was eating a bird or something.

Things were going well, until some stupid butterfly decided to land on Alex's nose. He wiggled his nose a little, and the butterfly left, thankfully. Right when things couldn't get any worse- he sneezed.

The hybrid's head quickly snapped towards our direction and an evil grin was plastered across it's face. "Fudge you damn butterfly!" I whisper-yelled.

"There you are!" It hissed and cheated toward us. "Whoa! Wait, wait! Before you kill us, can I say something?" Alex piped up. "Fine," the hybrid groaned.

That actually worked? Da fuq? "Before you kill us, I'd like to say that Ema, I did take your pudding last week." I knew it!

"Butthole," I mumble. "Now, back to business." Hybrid #19 cheerfully pipes up and shows off it's yellow teeth.

The last thing I see is a flash of white before I'm pulled out of the quicksand.

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