Chapter 5 Identity Revealed

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"Maybe they want to be found." A scratchy voice says. We slowly turn around to see- nothing..? "Over here." The voice says. "Don't listen to it." Owen says. "Why not?" The voice says. "I'm just trying to help you." It says. "How?" Owen speaks up. I think I just mentally facepalmed myself.

We all stayed silent. "Don't you think it's rude to ignore someone? I'll have to teach you all a lesson." The voice said. Suddenly, a body dropped down from the trees. It was taller than Owen by about 3 feet. So, it was about 9 feet tall. It has this human sort of shaped head, and it's eyes were reptile like. It had the tail and claws of a T-Rex, but it had human like features.

Without anyone speaking, we all ran with the hybrid chasing us from behind. It could easily climb the trees- it's like it's hands were sticking to the trees.

It jumped down from a tree and continued chasing us. "The waterfall." Zach says. We all nod and run to the direction where the waterfall is. "I'm not jumping in there- again!" Gray exclaims. While Zach and Gray are arguing I see the hybrid about to jump after us. It jumps, and I shout, "Jump!" Owen and Zach jump, but I grabbed Gray's hand in time and pulled him down with me.

We hit the cold water, and waited until the hybrid was gone. As we were swimming back to shore, I heard a very loud growl come from the water. Another hybrid. I started swimming up and pointed to the hybrid. The boys immediately swam up and we crawled back to shore just in time. The hybrid jumped out of the water and slammed it's body against the ground. It started to glide out of the water, like a snake.

It had the head of a T- Rex and the body of Thalassomedon. "Go!" Owen shouted. I grabbed Gray's hand and started running into the jungle. It was difficult to run when we were still wet, but we managed. The hybrid also had a difficult time getting through the trees. Eventually, it gave up and I watched as it glided back into the water.

"I thought you'd be dead by now." Someone called. The voice seemed familiar."Hoskins." Owen said. "I thought you were dead!" I said. "I almost died." He said and lifted up his arm, or what was left of it. "The Raptor bit off my hand, but left me after that. I had one of my guards get me off the island." Hoskins smirked.

"You hacked Wu's computer- You've been having someone make you hybrids for that stupid army of yours!" I spat. "Right. Dr. Thomas has been helping me." He smiled. After he had said that, we all stayed silent.

"What? Nobody's going to congratulate me? Without me, this world wouldn't have any way of defending themselves! I told you that I would get my field test, and this is it." Hoskins smirked. "Take them." Hoskins said. Four guards appeared and a chopper landed. The guards pulled us into the chopper.

CLAIRE'S POV (Meanwhile)

"They should've called by now." I say. I dial Owen's number and it goes straight to voicemail. I then call Zach and Ema, but I get the same results. "They aren't answering, I'm sending someone to look for them." I say without Wu's permission and leave the room.

EMA'S POV (Meanwhile)

The helicopter finally lands and the guards pull the four of us off. We're handcuffed then led to the old control room. There are screens showing the security camera footage. One screen catches my eye. The footage shows a glass wall with the words, 'I'll be free' and 'I'm free'. The corner of the screen says, 'Hybrid #19' in black letters. Another screen is of the marine hybrid that attacked us. It's swimming in a large tank that probably leads to a bigger pool.

"We have 100 different hybrids." Hoskins says proudly. "100 different hybrids?! What do you plan on doing with them?" Owen asks. "I needed power- and money." Hoskins answers. "But that's a different story." He says.

He snaps his fingers then the guards come. They bring us into a room, take off the handcuffs, then leave. I try opening the door. "Locked." I sigh. "Well, this is gong to be... Interesting..." Gray says awkwardly and points to the toilet. So, we're basically in a prison cell. I groan and slump down on to one of the bunkbeds.

A/N: So, to clear things up:

Hoskins is this crazy guy who wants power (like, to rule the world and stuff, idk) and money. So, he teams up with Dr. Thomas and starts making all of these weird dino hybrids. Then, they get Dr. Thomas a job at Jurassic City so that she can get information. They find out that Jurassic City has a new hybrid, so Hoskins hacks into their system and starts adding other DNA to it. Hoskins wants to use the hybrids as weapons, but claims that he wants to use the hybrids to defend themselves.

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