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Sandy: you know rain it is not good plus you have stayed away from home for too long think about uncle do you think he is happy knowing his son doesn't want to see him

Yeah that's sandy she is my colleague at work and my best buddy so let me tell you about her she is actually zigzag (lesbian) but I like her she even has a girlfriend and if you are wondering who she is well I'll leave it to you to discover

Sandy: are you even listening rain come on did you hear what I told you

Rain: yes babe but and I promise this time we will go back together happy

Sandy: yes yes I'll call uncle now I need to inform him about this
Rain: really let's give him a surprise plus I don't want him sulking before I even arrive there

Sandy: fine fine so now can we go am hungry

She said touching her tummy that was making noise proving her words well I guess I need to introduce myself aswell

I am rain Type kittisawad a 23yr old medical doctor working at y city hospital. And I am my pas only child I love him very much because I grew up with him okay not really grew up but I only received love from one parent who is him my pa

His name is Type kittisawad he is actually a baker though he wanted to become a doctor but hey don't worry I actually became one on his behalf

Sandy: okay now are you competing with me coz spacing out is my kinda thing

Rain: no let's go
Sandy: well hey Mr am right ahead of you so let's g

Rain:fine let's go best.... Ahhhh wtf
Sandy : hey rain are you okay I hope you are not hurt anywhere

Rain:aaah fuuuuuuuuucccck hey you swine get out of that damn car you how dare you

Phayu: sorry are you hurt
Rain: ohhh to heck with your apologies look at my phone are you blind or something can't you see the road haa do I have to give you specs to see properly

Phayu: I said sorry and the phone give...
Rain: ohh shut it you broke my phone spilt dirty water on my clothes and here you are only apologizing do you think you own this road

Sandy: Rain calm down we will get a new phone
Rain: no sands he did it intentionally look he broke my phone and apilt water on me look at the raid it's so big but this swine here decided to...

Phayu: Mr I respect the fact that am at fault but I won't tolerate insults form you plus u only moved this side because there the road is bad the other side

Rain: really ohh wow
Sandy: Rain calm down look we need to go otherwise we won't be able to have our lunch  and will not make it back to work on time Mr sorry .....

Rain: why are you apologizing ohh my  sometimes I wonder if you are really my friend and you where are you going you need to pay for the phone

Phayu: I won't do it I can't spend a single dime on someone whose this disrespectful

Rain: wow you are running away you wit and see

And the sound of glass breaking was heard

Sandy: Rain what the heck did you do
Rain: nothing I just broke the side mirror of his luxurious car

Phayu: what is wrong with you are you crazy or something
Rain: ohh sorry I did not think the stone would reach your car but hey it's okay you can spend the money you did not give to buy my phone on fixing your cars window

Sandy: rain sir plz am sorry we will pay actually he has mental illness so he .....

Rain: am perfectly fine
Phayu: you wi......

And his phone rang

Phayu: sorry I'll be right there
And he left form there leaving rain with a sandy who looked all wtf just happened here

Sandy: did he leave just like that ohh my Rain I felt the cold prison winds ohh thank God
Rain: damn my phone

Sandy: you are worried about your phone rain for onece plz control your anger otherwise we will die before seeing the next president of this country

Rain: to hell and you are you even my best friend look look at the phone
Sandy: we can buy ano.. ...

Rain: you know how special this phone is to me and you are here blabbering about buying a new one

I know you all are wondering why I got so upset but hey let me tell you why actually that phone was gifted to me by my pa when he sent me here to study and it was the only thing that reminded me of how much I needed him I had actually yearned for a phone as I needed it in university so pa gave me his phone which is now broken

Well I am supposed to be at work but instead  went to the phone repair so after lunch sandy went back and covered for me

Repairer: it is not fixable sir you should just buy something new and of date it is of old model
Rain: hey Mr I did not ask you to preach about (Tain) my phone yh I call her that as I love her
Rain: hey sand how did it go
Sandy: did you buy a new phone
Rain: yh but am using this because they are repairing Tain so how did the meeting with Mr Therapanyukul ( hospital owner) go

Sandy: I got nothing to say  I think it's best that you see Mr Therapanyukul in person
Rain: nope I ain't doing such I heard his ruthless and cold

Sandy: yh but I would like you to see him you will be as shocked as I am am praying to heaven for someone to lose their memory

Rain: stop making me anxious anyway I'll see Mr ice tomorrow bye
Sandy: bye and pray for luck to be your bestie tomorrow

Rain : fine bye

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