crazy man

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Phayu: NO!!!
He screamed as he exited the wedding hall running to his car to go to the hospital
As the rest followed behind
Phayu: RAIN!!! RAIN!!
Doctor Mina: calm down
Phayu: don't you tell me to calm down where is my wife tell me where is he
Doctor Mina : come with me
And he ran to the now pale and lifeless body that was Now looking white as snow

Phayu: baby wake up am here and u know what everyone is here so let's go and begin a new life together
Porsche: son calm down
Phayu: ma tell him to stand up plz I know his lying baby if this is a prank then it's not funny wake up

Porsche: son his not gonna respond
Phayu: he will I know he will just tell him to I know he will listen to you pa inlaw plz talk to your son he will listen to you

But Type moved to his son inlaw holding his cheeks telling him the bitter truth that even he was sad about
Type: son listen to me he is no more look into my eyes he is no more and will never come ba....
Phayu: stop lying I know he will wake up plz Rain plz if not for us then for your children look here is Ethan and Ethaniel

He said pulling his children to his dead wife
Ethan: dad mama is gone
He shouted at his son who flinched and went to hide behind his grandma who was in tears
Phayu: sky sky where are you where is he maybe you can  talk to him baby he is coming father where is sky

Tharn: son plz listen to us he is no more
Phayu: no his not now where is sky
Sky: V see he is not here
Phayu: okay get out everyone get out of here
Porsche: son listen
Phayu: I said get out !!!
Priest : he was the best child wife son  son-in-law and mother any one could ever have now it is time to out the flowers and where ready to leave

Sky: V let us go
Phayu: I'll come later but now just leave me
Sky: okay
Phayu: love I know you can hear me I really miss you and our joyous children aswell I just wish you could come back heart plz come back to me plz plz come back and I promise to never cheat on you

3 months later

Sky: V you're back
Phayu: yes are you going so soon 
Sky:  yes his men are here to get me I gotta before he comes here to spend the night again 

Phayu: oh okay and the divorce papers
Sky: I have submitted them for officialization and  about the baby I'll bring him back when he grows a little after birth gotta go now bye

Phayu: well greet him on my behalf and  good bye travel safely don't forget to call me when you reach okay
Sky: okay

Phayu: and I hope you have informed ma and pa
Sky: yes I have
Phayu: what about your children
Sky: they already know and wanted to come with but I promised them the holidays so I'll come for them during the holiday
Phayu: okay
Sky: bye once again phi
Phayu: okay now go plz before he comes to drag you here himself

Causing the younger to smile as he knew how possessive his new boyfriend and soon to husband is 
Well sky and phayu had developed a sibling type of love because sky can to know that he would not replace sky in phayus life the twins are with their grandma while the newlyweds Mr and Mrs kittisawad went on to start their new life

Phayu went to his bedroom he looked up at the roof and then his beautiful wife's picture and fell asleep

The next morning came quickly with his phone buzzing
Secretary : hello sir I called to inform that you have a meeting at the family hospital around 9am

Phayu: okay I'll be there

He said as he looked at the time but still moved to prepare himself as he did not want to be late

After doing all his morning routine he  went out and was about to use his phone when it's suddenly turned off

Phayu: damn low battery this early morning
And he moved out to his car without even sparing a single glance at his house as he only thought about picking his kids after the meeting
He was driven to the hospital and was  going forward into the company when

??: Ohh what Kind of bad lusk is th..... You wow really was Yesterday not enough for you and MY NEW phone

The younger spoke but was shut when the other person hugged him almost chocking him

Rain: hey let me go hey you punk leave me the fuck alone
Phayu: no I won't I lost you last time when I did it but not now

And he pulled the younger into a kiss that got all the employees looking  and some clicking pictures

Rain : leave me alone you crazy man
He said as he slapped the hell out of his boss or should we say husband 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭

Jules: brother what is wrong with you
She said as she looked at her brother who was busy kissing the oxygen out of her employee
But the latter just looked at his sister as if not seeing her before dropping in for another kiss

Phayu: i love you and I

He said as he looked at the younger who was red as a tomato

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