chaos 2

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Tharn and Type where rushed home but to their surprise were met with Rains absence they were about to go look for him when sandy assured them it was all okay telling them where he went

Porsche: ohh you two are back come have lunch

He said when suddenly Sandies phone rung grabbing all there attention

Sandy: hello ......... WHAT!!! Uncle plz switch on the tv

And all that came in view was the sight of Rain and his children being attacked with Jules who was shouting on the other side

Sandy: UNCLE!!
Tharn: TYPE!!!
Type: why him why my chil...

And he passed out before completing his words

Tharn: protect my child and grandchildren!!!
Porsche: protect them and make sure u leave no stone unturned if it means killing those sluts then do it !!!

They both said while holding there phones to their ears
In came rushing phayus secretary shouting his name as if she saw him being shot
Secretary: Mr Therapanyukul sir !! Sir look
She showed him and got the best expected reaction he got his phone and called someone


He shouted with his veins almost popping out and in no time was in his car driving like hell to the place without caring about any rules
On the other hand sky was leaving the studio when the reporter called him back to inform him about the happening and just as expected he gave the reporter a thumbs up before leaving to go see his dear brother

He smiled like it was his last day on earth not caring about the eyes he got from everyone as he left the media house  he got in the car and she'd fake tears then left
On the other side the women were still busy doing their work when suddenly men in black came surrounding them and in no time clicking of guns at the same time was heard causing the women to fall on their feet and people who were watching to run

One woman was about to run when suddenly a bullet ran through her head causing her to halt and fall with blood pouring out
On the other hand Type , Porsche Tharn and sandy  came running to the scene as they broke in tears looking at Rain who just froze still protecting his children not allowing anyone come close to them
Type: baby
They all ran to him trying to help but the younger covered himself and his children finally shouting and warning them not to come closer

Type: baby its me papa
Rain: no go away don't touch me

He said pulling his children who were busy crying in their mama's hold . Then phayu came rushing to the scene to find his wife looking all scared he tried getting close but was stopped by his sky

Sky: Venice don't he is not in his right mind plz
Phayu:don't even dare this is all because of you get out of here

He said pushing sky who got saved by his men who were standing near them

Phayu: baby look here it's me don't worry everything is fine now

He said moving closer to his little wife  and children and to everyones astonishment he let go of his children  and went to his husband

Rain: V our babies they wanted to harm our babies an..d and I ...I tried my best to protect them but I couldn't our baby V aaah the baby V help it's hurting plz help our baby aaaah pa the baby wants to come out aaah baby don't stay in there mama is here plz baby plz don't come out now

He said before passing out in hiw husband's embrace
Porsche: doctor how are they doing
Doctor: Mr Therapanyukul am sorry but we couldn't save the child the damage was to much and he wasn't strong enough to fight for both his and the child's life

Tharn: what no there's gotta be something doctor plz
Type: shut up shut the f..k up you why are you always bad news it's all your fault all of this is your faulthis life was perfect till your whore is a child came and destroyed it now get out

Tharn: Type I
Type: I said get the out of here before I forget that you're his father again
Phayu: pa in-law

And what came as a reply was a pair of good slaps from his ma who then started hitting his chest with all his might while shouting and chasing him out

Porsche: you bastard you fool idiot you true son of your father why why did you do this what did he ever do to you haa tell me what did he ever do to deserve such treatment from you get out !!! Get the hell out of here you fucking true carbon copy of your fuck of a dad GET OUT!!!!

Phayu: plz ma he needs me I need him aswell
Porsche: really you should have thought of that when you were busy opening and depositing your fucking self in whores now GET THE FUCK OUT!!!
Phayu: Jules plz talk to ma plz u know that he needs me now

But all he got was a Jule who looked at him and looked away as if not hearing what he said

Sandy: brother in-law just leave this is not the time to be stubborn and Mr kittisawad plz leave aswell
Porsche: honey calm down

Type: baby calm down the baby is okay and fine the doctor said you should just rest now okay
Rain: no you're lying I can't feel the baby no I want my baby back plz let me go I have to find my baby
Porsche: son plz calm down plz it's not good for you
Rain: no leave me wait Ethan where's my son and Eth where are my children ahh tell me where are they I need them back

Then the door opened with a bandaged Ethan and Ethaniel who ran to their mama to comfort the now out of control mother
Ethaniel: mama don't cry we're here don't worry okay and the baby aswell

She said as Ethan went ahead and caressed the now calm mother who engulfed his children as if protecting them from the whole world

The children also did the same while crying for they understood all that was happening but still stwued strong for their mama

Ethan: mama now that you are okay let's eat I know my baby brother wants food so stop starving him

He said and soon the food was brought and everyone including the couple Jules and sand and the two elders of the family ate together While trying their best to hide their tears

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