5 years later

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Everyone: happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday dear babies happy birthday to you

Rain:heep heep
Everyone: hurray
Ethan: okay now cake time I want to feed grandma
Rain: really
Ethan: yes but daddy is not here again last year he missed and this year too
Rain: baby don't worry he will be here
So now who wants cake!!
Ethaniel/Ethan: I want
Type: baby don't worry he will be here
Rain: pa plz stop giving me false hope his phone is off and he has already sent their gifts just like last year
Porsche: hey son calm down don't worry I'll try call him
Rain: no dont

And the rest of the evening went by as the birthday was enjoyed but everyone but with only V's absence

Ethan: mama it's morning and daddy is still not here
Rain: I know but hey don't worry daddy actually called to say he was a little busy but he'll surely be back and with lots of gifts for you and Ethaniel

Ethan/Ethaniel: yayy
Rain: okay now so let's go to....
Ethaniel: daddy !!
The children ran to their daddy forgetting that they were about their ma who just stood their looking all astound with the change in behavior of his husband

Phayu: are you two going to school now
Ethan: yes but daddy our presents
Phayu: I sent them yesterday
Ethan: really but I did not see any Eth did you see any gifts
Ethaniel: no

Rain: I have them but just wanted your daddy to give them to you anyway let's go to school now I'll drop you let's go
Ethan: okay but I want daddy to take us
Rain: no baby he is tired the bus is here so let's go
Phayu: it's fine I can take them
Rain: no they have grown now and need to learn how to accept it

And with that he left to take them to the school bus and later went back in the house when he found his husband readying himself to take a shower

Rain: no maybe we talked but someone might have lent their ears somewhere v I thought we agreed you would be at the party  what happened
Phayu: hey baby calm down am sorry I was just caught up with work but now am back and I've missed you so much

Rain: get off me you punk
Phayu: uuhuuum I won't I missed you so much and need you right now
Rain: phayu aaah first take a shower
Phayu: with you

And he took his husband to the bathroom where they only had sex until the younger couldn't take it anymore

Rain: uhhm you no now am tired we can't go on stop being all horny the children are coming soon remember it's a Friday
Phayu: but baby I want you
Rain: no now help me up

And with that they went to the kitchen to prepare lunch when they were done they moved to setting the table when suddenly two small voices came in with one crying

Ethaniel: daddy Ethan.... Ethan pulled my hair
Ethan: no I didn't
Ethaniel: yes you did and you called me a cry baby
Ethan: yes because you are always crying

Phayu: Ethan don't say that and baby come here hush now hush
Ethan: it's not fair why are you  carrying her
Phayu: son what's wrong is that how you talk about your sister
Ethan: but she took my crayons

Ethaniel: because you couldn't lend them to me
Rain: now what's wrong
Ethaniel: mama.... Ethaniel.....he....he pulled my hair and called me a cry baby
Rain: why
Ethan: because she stole my crayons
Rain: Eth why
Ethaniel: because he refused to give me some of his crayons because his bad friends told him to

Phayu: son she is your sister so you share everything with her okay
Ethan: no I won't because she makes me look bad infront of my friends and I don't like it

Ethaniel: but mama I don't have any friends at school so I follow him because I can only play with him
Ethan: but I don't want to be with you !

Phayu: young man you shall not talk to your sister like that
Ethan: yo....you people don't .....love me ......you only love Ethaniel
Rain:baby that's not true you know we love you both the same but we just need you to look after your baby sister for us because you are older and strong

Ethan:re.... really
Rain: yes really now let's eat lunch I prepared your favourite
Ethan: yayy

And they all sat and where eating lunch

Ethan: Eth sorry for pulling your hair and stinging my crayons
Ethaniel: it's okay and am also sorry for always being a cry baby and getting your crayons
Ethan: it's fine
Rain: okay enough of the apologies let's eat before the food gets cold
Rain: yes I just put them to sleep
Type: okay munchkin bye
Rain: bye good night V not now it's late and I have work tomorrow
Phayu: baby just one round
Rain: no
Phayu: two
Rain: no
Phayu: okay three
Rain: how is it negotiable when the round are increasing anyway no
Phayu: fine then but let me kiss you
Rain: Venice
Phayu: plz baby plllllzzz
Rain: okay but on one condition
Phayu: yes what is it
Rain: you will take us to the play beach this week
Phayu: deal

And the kiss turned into a mess of a night with phayu breaking his promise of few rounds and the morning dawned with them in each other's embrace

Rain: are you still in me really
Phayu: yes because I want my baby to carry another baby
Rain:nope we already have more than enough children
Phayu: well it's okay

And they did as said before phayu went to prepare breakfast for the twins and walked them to the door
Ethan: bye daddy
Ethaniel : bye love
Rain: someone seems to not be in the mood of going to work
Phayu: I am going I was just being a good father like I am
Rain: okay now go shower
Phayu:okay but just give me a kiss
Rain: baby your phone is ringing
Phayu: am coming
Rain: baby your phone is ringing am picking it up
Phayu: okay but name
Rain: it has no name ony an initial (PS)
Rain: hell...

And phayu grabbed the phone from him acting all nervous and going back to the bathroom before talking to the other person
Rain: but I did not even well anyway  bye babe

And he went to work

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