Oneshot 1 - Escape...

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"Well, that's very impressive. Good for you, player eight. And if you think you can top this game off, think again, because...You Don't Know Jack!"

"And we're offline! Amazing work Cookie."

Cookie Masterson put an arm to his forehead to wipe the sweat off. It was just another day, same old hosting, same old suffering. If he already didn't have enough pain in You Don't Know Jack, then he knew You Don't Jack: Full Stream was hell.

But all that's going to change. If he was going to stop here, Fibbage 4 would be his road to something better. Away from Binjpipe, away from the horrible trivia questions. He could host a game with a better change of pace, laughing at the players' lies and take a breather, now that he will finally be away from that dreaded streaming company.

Cookie was about to leave the studio, when he was interrupted by a tap on his shoulder. He turned around, sighing.

"Great. What do you want now, Binjpipe?"

A humanoid-robotic being with sleek pink hair and a magenta suit, that represented the streaming company, stared at Cookie with an adorable expression.

"I just wanted to say that I'm so SO proud of you!"

Cookie was between raising his eyebrows and rolling his eyes. He went with raising his eyebrows.

"Is this a joke?"

Binjpipe shook it's head.

"You were so enthusiastic today! Are you in a good mood, Cookie?"

"You know I have to act like I'm in a good mood just to make the viewers happy," Cookie said, speaking through gritted teeth, "Isn't that what you want? To please your viewers? 'Binjpipe is content' this, 'everything is content' that?"

Binjpipe giggled. "But there was something else in the air...I can sense it! What are you so happy about? Spill the beans!"

"It's nothing, Binjpipe."

Cookie knew hell well that was a deep lie. He knew Binjpipe was still staring at him. They can only listen to the honest answer, he thought. He took a deep breath before answering.

"Fibbage is getting a fourth sequel."

Binjpipe looked excited for Cookie. "Oh, that's wonderful! That makes us so happy that you're tackling a different hosting gig!"

Cookie put on a rare smile. "Yeah. I know. The game hasn't been utilized in years. I missed it. It was very fun..."

Binjpipe nodded, before looking a little sad. "Oh, but that means..."

Cookie sighed. "I know you're aware. I'm going to stop hosting You Don't Know Jack: Full Stream. I know it sucks for you, but hey, I'm sure there's someone else funnier than I am. Schmitty, Nate, one of those guys."

Binjpipe nodded, seeming to understand. "I know. But you've been with us for a while now..."

Cookie sighed. "Yes..."

Binjpipe continued, "...and we can't just let you leave yet! I mean, we haven't made a finale to the show..."

"Yes..." Cookie grumpily answered again.

Binjpipe put it's hands together. "Which means, you're going to be staying with us for a little bit longer so we can finish YDKJ with a bang, you know! An explosion!"

Cookie shrugged. "I don't mind. Fibbage 4 episode production is going to be starting in a month or so. Now, if you excuse me, I just need to find the door..."

Cookie then seemed confused as he stared around the pink space. "Wait, where's the door again?"

"On your right." Binjpipe replied.

"But there's no door. Only"

Cookie then held his head, puzzled. Is this even the studio anymore? Where was he...? He isn't losing it, is he?

"Remind me which part of the studio I'm at, again?"

Binjpipe put a finger on it's chin. "Um, the game?"

"I don't seem to have an idea what you're talking about."

"Would it pain for you to say that you're trapped here?"

"Trapped? can't trap me in..."

Cookie then realized it.

"What the- hold on, I swear this happened before. Did you trap me in here? Something about...the game Escape...escape..."

"Something like that. Which you're going to forget about right now."

Cookie then noticed Binjpipe turning a dial on it's arm.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

"The viewers need you Cookie," it replied, "I know you love your silly 'Fibbage' game of it's lies and everything...but unfortunately, you're going to need to stay here a longer. And I mean, a LOT longer."

"Hold on, what are you talking abo-"

There was a flash. A high pitched noise was ringing through Cookie's head, as his vision went dark, and the only thing he could hear was Binjpipe's faint robotic laughs...


Cookie blinked twice. He was now in front of the podium where he hosted. Okay, this was confusing. That's alright. He just needed to...

What was he going to do again?

Something was itching him in the back of his head. He swore he was just doing something earlier. But his mind can't seem to let it come back to him. No matter. It's time to host another episode. More internal suffering in You Don't Know Jack: Full Stream. It's just another Tuesday.

"Hi, I'm Cookie Masterson, and this is..."

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