Oneshot 2 - Schmitty Finally Snaps

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With nothing else to do while waiting, host Josh "Schmitty" Schmitstinstein watched the quips as they carefully wrote their answers on their devices. What's so fun about Quiplash is that there will always be something to laugh at.

But there was something about it that made Schmitty look tired. Was it starting to get...boring? No, it couldn't be. Quiplash is one of the most popular games of all time! How could it be boring?

Perhaps it was just his mind. Maybe it was just the same old prompts, same old answers. He was hoping for another Quiplash sequel to come someday...But for now, he just had to stick with whatever the players wrote. Who knows, maybe there might be something that could make him laugh today...?

Time then ran out. One of the Quips, specifically, the turquoise cat looking one, seemed disappointed that they couldn't get their answer in on time. But they went in with the other Quips anyway.

Schmitty grabbed his prompt cards and began reading them out loud. Then the Quips shouted their answers. Schmitty seemed unfazed by them. A lot of the answers were just like the ones from last episode. For goodness sake, could anyone think of anything original these days? Whatever. He read out the next prompt...

"Moving on...'The world's most boring video game!'"

The first answer that popped up was Wii Sports. Schmitty scoffed. Some of the audience was going to get a kick out of that one, that's for sure.

That's when the next answer came up:


Schmitty's right eye twitched. This wasn't the first time this happened. Last episode, someone answered that on the same prompt. He was quite unbothered by it, it was just someone with a bit of sarcasm.

But seeing it here again? How many times is he going to deal with this BS? What really ticked him off more was that the majority of votes was on that answer. The nerve of the players...

Schmitty was not going to let this go any further. He stood in front of the little quip, confronting it.

The red quip looked confused at first. But when it saw Schmitty's expression, it knew something bad was about to happen. It knew it was about to feel the host's wrath.

Then Schmitty spoke up.

"This game, really? You know what?"

He then started going on an angry rant, cursing the Quip out in every second. The other Quips seemed taken aback by this, not thinking of interfering in the conversation at all. A member of the production team even seemed shook that Schmitty would respond to the answer like that. Even worse, that storm of swears is going to take a lot of editing out...

"It was just a joke!" The little Quip squeaked.

"A joke that's going to be used over and over in this damn prompt!" Schmitty responded back furiously, teeth gritted and hair messy, "Never play this game again if you're going to respond like that, okay? Ugh..."

Schmitty held his head in complete distress. No words can explain how like hell it felt. It was the same pain in his head after he angrily ranted at a player back in his You Don't Know Jack days. He can't believe it happened again. He swore he mellowed out by now, but he just cursed out a player on live TV. Who the hell curses out a player on live TV?

He looked back at the little Quip. It looked like it was about to burst in tears. Was he mad at it for that answer? Yes. Did he want to hurt it more? No. He's gone too far already.

He hesitated before picking it up, holding it in the palm of his hand. Then sighed. "I'm so sorry. I got really out of hand there. I just-I just...snapped. I can't believe I did that. Sorry again."

The Quip smiled in understanding, chirping a happy tune. Schmitty smiled back. It was nice to feel the thunderstorm clearing up. He nudged the Quip on his forehead before putting it back down on the ground. Then he looked towards the camera, twiddling his thumbs, sucking air through his teeth before he spoke.

"Yeah. Not only I need to apologize to you, I need to apologize to all the players, the production team, and of course, the viewers. I know I'm usually calm and collected, but I just-"

He looked at the Quips, their eyes looking adorable as usual, before putting his eyes back on the camera. 

"Let's just keep going..."

He picked his prompt cards back up and read the next prompt...and the rest of the game went on smoothly. When it finally ended, Schmitty went out of the studio with a sigh.

What a day.

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