Oneshot 3 - Live Lighter

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The eight players, seen as little dolls, stepped out of the elevator to gather around the hallway. The host of Trivia Murder Party, also known as [REDACTED], with his face concealed with a hockey mask and his voice concealed with a disembodied filter, turned to face them.

"Next question...Where is Manila?"

The blue doll, with closed eyes and a button third eye, tagged The Believer, perked up. It seemed like a pretty easy question for them...but then the answers on their device showed up.

The Phillipines

The Phillippines

The Philipines

The Philippines

Most of the dolls groaned. This was no ordinary question. It was a spelling quiz. Everyone answered on their devices carefully, and when time ran out...

"Who got the question right?" said the mysterious host.

Only half of the players sighed in relief. Which left the dolls tagged The Believer, The Alpha, The Jester, and The Red Herring.

[REDACTED] couldn't help but laugh.

The Believer gulped. It's time to go back to the killing floor...again...

The four dolls had to follow [REDACTED] down the hallway to one of the hotel rooms.

"Okay! We're playing Dumb Waiters! And no, it's not like the hotel elevator that shows the scoreboards. It's something a little more...claustrophobic."

[REDACTED] clapped his hands together in excitement and showed them to two small elevators. He opened them up. The one on the right was empty, and the other on the left had an old nesting doll inside it.

The Red Herring shuddered. They could nearly see some of the paint peeling off that thing.

"Alright!" said [REDACTED], ready to explain the rules of the game, "Choose a door to go into. If everyone goes into the same door, nobody dies. However, if the decision is split, the heavier side will go down and kill everyone in it. Oh, and don't even THINK about splitting it evenly. I have a solution for that."

The Alpha put a hand to their chin. So that's what the nesting doll is for...This killing floor game was a test of trust. And they all had to think about it very carefully.

"I say we all go right," The Alpha suggested.

"Since when your small pea brain could make decisions?" The Jester parroted.

"Look, nobody needs to get hurt," the Alpha replied, "I can trust you all to keep us safe. Right? RIGHT?"

The Red Herring and the Jester exchanged looks. Then they nodded. The Believer, however, was still indecisive. Could they trust those guys?

They already knew the Jester was a horrible trickster from the start. During the math minigame, they were shouting out numbers just to distract everyone. They weren't even participating, for goodness sake!

"Time's almost up! Make a decision NOW." [REDACTED] said menacingly.

The Believer flinched. The Alpha was gesturing them to come along with the others. 5 seconds left on the clock... They finally snapped and made the decision to go left. There's no way they could trust them. They can't. The Believer stepped in the left door next to the nesting doll, closing their eyes. Then they waited for the results to be revealed...


"Okay, I think we're safe!" The Red Herring said, pointing at everyone else beside them, "One, two, three...wait..."

"Someone's missing," the Alpha grimaced.

The multicolored trio looked at the Believer in shock, who was sitting alone in the door on the left. That's when The Believer realized they were safe. Everyone else, however...

"Slick move, blue." The Jester chuckled, a smile on their face. The Alpha was the opposite, a frown. Feeling betrayed.

"I thought we could trust you."

The Believer began to stutter. "I-I didn't think you would all be honest! I'm so sorry..."

"Don't apologize to someone who's already dead," The Alpha interrupted.

"You are so going to get karma for this!" The Red Herring called.

The Jester said nothing but stuck their tongue out.

The Believer felt dreaded. They just stabbed their fellow players in the back. On accident.

"I'm sorry," they repeated, but only in a whisper.

"I know," the Alpha replied.

Then the three in the right elevator door went down. You could hear the Jester whooping(for some reason) and the Red Herring screaming. The Believer wanted to sulk in the elevator forever. But then they were interrupted by [REDACTED] clapping.

"What a betrayal!"

The Believer went out to correct him. "It wasn't-"

"Shhh-" [REDACTED] put a finger to their lips(if dolls even have lips). "You knew exactly what you were doing."


"You're still alive, right?"

"Yes, but I-"

"I am so proud of you."

[REDACTED] gave the Believer a pat on the back. It made them utterly shiver. They just went out of the killing floor and back to the hallway with the other dolls.

There were four ghosts alongside them now. The spirit of The Red Herring was ranting to the Lovers, who were also dead, about The Believer's so called betrayal. As they all went up the elevator, the doll tagged The Screamer decided to make conversation with the Believer.

"Did [REDACTED] say he was proud of you?"

The Believer sighed. "You heard everything, didn't you?"

"Listen," assured the Screamer, putting a hand on the Believer's non-existent shoulder, "I know Trivia Murder Party in and out. You can't make friends on the killing floor if only one person can make it out alive. I'd say that was a smart play if you were doing it on purpose."

The Believer shook the Screamer's arm off. "I didn't trust them."


The Screamer walked away to make conversation with a doll tagged The Sheriff. The Believer sighed. There's no turning this back, huh?

They looked towards the Alpha, who was giving them a menacing glare. Then the elevator opened, and [REDACTED] was ready to announce the next question...

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