Chapter 105: I Am Iron-Man

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Evander's Pov

After getting up from the explosion I soon saw Thanos going for the gauntlet, I rush forwards as Tony joins me as we started fighting him but he knocked us away. Once, I get up I saw Thanos knocked Thor down as I fired a web at the gauntlet and tries to get away but Thanos grabbed my leg and slammed me into the ground making me lose the gauntlet.

Evander: Come the fuck on...

I went to grabbed the gauntlet again but Thanos grabbed me by my neck and started choking me, I fired a web at his face making him let go of me as I land onto the ground.

Thanos: You pesky bug!!

Evander: Again....not a damn bug!!

I charged a shadow flame and used it on him but he blocked it a bit as he grabbed my arm breaking my right arm and slammed me into the ground as he kneed me into the face knocking me out.

3rd Pov

Tony manages to get up as he then saw Strange looking at him lifting up one fingers as he realizes that he have to die for the sake of the universe. Even though he didn't want to do it, but he have to do it. Tony then charges at Thanos and grabbed ahold of the gauntlet but Thanos smacked him away and raised his arm.

Thanos: I am....Inevitable.

Thanos then snapped his fingers but nothing happen as he looked at the gauntlet to not see the stones on them. Thanos then looked back at Tony who had the stones onto his armor as the power of the stones surge through Tony as he looked at Thanos.


Tony snapped his fingers as an bright light covered the place.

Evander's Pov

I soon woke up and popped my arm back into place as I get up and looked around and saw that Thanos' army started to turn into dust. I turned to my left and saw Thanos sitting down not saying a word before turning into dust.

Evander: We did it.....*chuckles* Finally.......wait who snapped their fingers?

 I heard a thud as I then see Tony laying against some rubble as I saw Rhodey and Peter runs over to him as I did as well.

Evander: No no no no. Damnit Stark, why the hell did you used the stones?! Why man?!

I pulled my mask off of me as I started to tear up a bit as Cassandra then hugs me as I was trying to fight back from crying as I watched Pepper walks up to him and tells him that everyone would be okay as I soon saw the blue light from his chest dies down meaning that Tony has died saving everyone from Thanos.

(One Week Later)

3rd Pov

A week has been passed since Thanos' defeat and things started to go back to normal. For Evander he was at his family house having an get together as Cassandra's Family was back and she wanted to show them Joseph, Valentina, and Aerith as with Evander he was reading a manga book with his son as they was on the ceiling as the family notice that Joseph took after his father's powers.

(Two Days Later)

Today is Tony's funeral as everyone was saying goodbye to him. Pepper and Morgan were at their house along with Evander and his family, Alexander, Roisin, Eve, Peter, Rhodey, Sam, Thor, Wanda and her brother, Peter's aunt, and Happy. Now their watching an message that Tony made the day before he went to help the others on building the time machine.

Tony: Everybody wants a happy ending, right? But it doesn't always roll that way. Maybe this time. I'm hoping if you play this back it's in celebration. I hope families are reunited. I hope we get it back and something like a normal version of the planet has been restored, if there was ever such a thing. God, what a world or universe now. If you told me ten years ago that we weren't alone, let alone to this extent, I mean, I wouldn't have been surprised, but come on who knew? The epic forces of dark and light have come into play. For better or for worse, that's the reality Morgan's gonna have to find a way to grow up in. *sighs*  So, I thought I should record a little greeting in case of an untimely death, on my part. Not that death at anytime Isn't untimely and this time travel thing we're gonna try to pull off tomorrow has got me scratching my head at the survivability of it all. Then again that's the hero's gig, you know, Part of the journey is the end. I don't know why I'm freaking out for. What am I even tripping for? Everything is gonna work out the way it's suppose to.

The hologram Tony walks up to Morgan and smiles.

Tony: I love you 3,000.

The hologram of Tony soon disappears, after that everyone gets up and leaves out of the house as Pepper was holding Tony's original arc reactor that said, 'Proof, that Tony Stark has a heart' in the lake and let it float as everyone was watching them do so. As everyone soon departs expect for Evander who was kneeled down in front of the lake.

Evander: ......*sighs* Honestly you wasn't even like a mentor for me....but as a father figure after my pops died. I want to say, thank you for meeting me eleven years ago when I was just a fifteen year old kid being a hero for just a year.....Don't worry about Peter, I can watch over him. *stands up* If you see Natasha, tell her I said hi, and if you met my pops.....tell him that I love him. See ya later......Tony.

He then turns his head and started walking away from the lake saying his final goodbye to the man who helped him out, the man who was like a father to him when he needed one.

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