Blue, blonde and brunette

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Summary: Travis is invited over to Sal's house Because he didn't want to go home. Once they're at Sal's apartment, Sal suggests he can dye Travis hair blue to match with his, but Travis immediately said no but they needed up agreeing on dying a strip of his hair blue.

In this world Sal's hair isn't natural and neither is his dad, their both brunette but dye their hair blue and a bonding thing as if Sals mom was still with them and they'd do family
bonding sessions. Travis hair is also naturally brunette and him and his mom bleached their hair because Travis's dad wanted everyone to be more similar in features. Years later Travis still bleached his hair under his jakes command but also Because he remembers the fun him and his mom had doing it together.
Travis's POV:

I hesitantly tap Sal on his shoulder, terrified of Ash and Larry stood in-front of him, he turns to me and I can tell he smiled by his eyes squinting under his mask. I don't deserve the kindness he has shown me. "What's up Travis" he asks me, "can we hangout..after your place.." I mutter out but I knew he heard me. he places a hand on my shoulder, touch Im starting to get used to from him, "sure Trav, you can walk back with me after the bell" he informs me. I smile and thank him before leaving to my next class.

School just ended and me and Sal set off for his place, I've never seen his place before. As we walk further into the suburbs I see a crummy apartment building and wondered if that was Sals place. As we turn into the pathway of it, it confirms my belief.  He brings me in as we walk straight to the elevator taking it up to the fourth floor. He really has shown me so much kindness, he's so perfect inside and out. Blush creeps on my face but I snap out of it as the doors open. We walk to his door and he fumbles with his keys for a minute before pushing the door open. I walked in and waited for instruction. He kicked his shoes of messily to the corner next to the door and so I took my shoes off and placed them neatly next
To his.

"Welcome to my humble abode" he giggled as we walk towards his room. He shrugs his bag off at the end of his bed and flops down on the mattress. I look around at his many posters of different bands I didn't even realize existed. "Come sit dude" I walked to his bed and sat on the end of it as he sat up cross cross looking at me. "What do you wanna do?" He asked, I shrugged not sure how to answer. It seemed a lightbulb went off in his head as he pulled me off the bed and through his apartment the the bathroom. "What the fuck are we gonna do in the bathroom fisher?" I asked him harshly. Though my mind still wandered as I thought of things to do in the small bathroom and the first thing to mind was his lips on mine. My face became red and I shooed away those thoughts looking back at him.

I watched him fumble with the clasps on the back of his mask before he turned his back to me and motioned for me to undo them. I gently undid the clasps on the back of his mask, gently pulling it forward into his hands. He turned to me and I saw his face once again. I had seen it awhile ago due to a different accident. His face is beautiful to me, everything about his scaring and structure was beautiful to me. He smiled at me when I did at him. He placed his mask on the bathroom floor and dug in the cabinet pulling out blue hair dye. I looked at him confused. "We're gonna dye your hair blue!" He giggled and my eyes went wide "FUCK NO" i immediately yelled at him taking a step back and almost falling in to the tub at how big of a step I took.

He laughed pulling me back with an arm around my waist, I blushed brightly. "How about just a strip of your hair, it doesn't have to be obvious" he suggested and after a moment of thinking i agreed. A couple moments passed and now I was sat between sals legs with my back against the tub as he sat on the ledge of the tub. He mixed up a little bit of blue dye and began coat a strip of my hair on the left side of my head. My hair is longer on the sides so we just flipped up some of my blonde and are gonna put blue so it's covered by my blonde and my dad won't kill me.

"Awesome! Now help me out!" I was confused at first but minutes have passed and now we switched spots and I'm helping dye his roots. "So your hairs naturally brown?" I asked as I covered it with blue dye. "Mhmmm, since my mom passed me and my dad dye our hair blue, it was her favorite Colour" he explained to me. I smiled "that's sweet" I responded as I kept layering the blue. "You're pretty good at this Trav, dyed your hair before?" He asked me.
"My Blonde is fake, my dad wanted our family to look more cohesive so my and I would bleach and tone our hair to look blonde like my dads. Similar to you I'm naturally brunette" I explained as I finished up and tapped him letting him know I was done.

"That's shitty of your dad to not let you stay brunette" he scooted forward and I stood up "yeah but I think back at how much fun my mom and I would have doing it" I placed the dye bowl in the sink and sat on the floor next to him "besides I think I look good blonde" I smiled. He smiled back "I think you're handsome either way" he chuckled at me. I blushed but I didn't stop smiling.

I needed up staying the night at Sal's.. my dad knew and said it was fine asking as I still
Prayed though I could tell over the phone he wasn't to fond of me staying at fishers place. It was later in the night and sal was laying on his bed, I was knelt in-front of his window. "In the name of the father the son and Holy Spirit.." I began but felt hands around my waist. I stiffened but knowing it was Sal tryna fuck with me I kept on praying, sals hands slowly crept under my sweater and i began blushing hard as I rushed my words to the lord and ended with Amen. I grabbed sals wrists and looked at him sternly but he only laughed when seeing my blushed face and ears.

He offered me a shirt and some pants to sleep in that Were too big on him, I thanked him and changed in the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and took a step back. I saw the blue peak out on the side and looked at the shirt i wore with a band logo I wasn't familiar with and black paid pj pants. It definitely wasn't normally me but it was different. I walked back to Sal's room and saw him in blue plaid pj pants and a white t shirt with SF on the front. I placed my clothes neatly next to my school bag and sat on the bed next to him. "You're sure you don't mind sharing a bed? I can sleep on the couch" he offered to sleep on the couch so many times I felt bad and kept reassuring him I didn't mind sharing.

It's almost 12am now and we're both staring blankly at the ceiling. It was tight, shoulder to shoulder. I finally feel asleep at some point and when I woke up on the morning of Saturday I had never slept better.I went to move but felt arms around my waist tighten and i immediately fell red. I looked down under the sheets to see Sal fucking Fishers arms around my waist and I felt him stir and press his head to my back. I wanted to thrash and wake him up but I didn't. Instead I fell asleep once again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24 ⏰

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