Death By Truth

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"I'm going to miss you every second of the day." Tony told me at the terminal gate.

"I'll miss you too. See you in about a week." I told him, giving him a long, passionate kiss.

"I'm going to miss that too." Tony sighed with pleasure. I let out a laugh.

"Of course you will. I'm going to miss my flight, I'll call you when I land. Bye." I told him.

"Bye, Silverbear. I love you." Tony called after me. I set my bag down and ran back towards him. I jumped up on him and kissed him hard.

"I love you too." I replied softly.

"Alright, you two. Come on, Angel, we're going to miss the flight." Alec said, laughing.

"Sorry!" I told him, laughing as well.


"Kyle is driving a black twenty-sixteen Ford mustang." I told Alec.

"Is that him, next to that big great Dane?" Alec asked.

"Yeah! Good eye, Alec! Kyle! Over here!" I called to him, waving.

"Silvy!" Kyle shouted happily. We met him at his car and he engulfed me in a hug.

"Glad you made it safely." Kyle said.

"Nova! Gosh girl, you've grown so big!" I exclaimed just as Nova jumped up on me to lick my face. I let out a laugh.

"Okay, down girl." I smiled at the beautiful black and white Pitbull, great Dane mix. She let out a bark and wagged her tail furiously. 

"Looks like I'm not the only one who missed you like hell." Kyle said sadly. Kyle and Alec loaded the bags into the trunk as I climbed into the passenger seat.


"Welp, here we are. Oh! Silvy, I've got a surprise for you." We all stepped out of the car as Kyle let out a shrill whistle. In answer, a beautiful black and white Siberian Husky with a royal blue collar trotted out of the house after Kyle opened the door. A gasp escaped my mouth.

"Bella?" I whispered. At the sound of her name, she trotted over to me. She jumped up, bringing me down to my knees, and covered my face in kisses and small whines. I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her.

"Oh, Bella. Kyle, how did you find her?" I asked, not looking away from my beloved dog.

"I was walking Nova, and I saw her wandering the streets. She was so thin. You at first wouldn't have recognized her with how dirty she was. Only way I recognized her was due to her longer than average tail which drooped with so much sadness. Poor girl." Kyle explained.

"My poor baby." I crooned to Bella.

"Come on, I'll take you two to the guest rooms." Kyle said, gesturing for us to follow.


"I have to tell him, Bella." I kissed the top of her soft head.

"Alec! Can you come here, please?" I called. I sat down on my bed, Bella curling up beside me, laying her head on my leg. I rested my hand in her thick fur.

"What is it?" Alec asked in my doorway.

"Shut the door and sit here please?" I asked. 

"Sure. Everything okay?" Alec asked as he sat on the bed in front of me.

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