It all ends here

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P.S sorry but this chapter will be short and lazy. But I will be making the other chapter more enjoyable :)

Claire POV

I was out of the hospital and my mother was back. She heard about everything that happened. I received a boot and I'm allowed to dance but Abby and my mom said I shouldn't. So I'm not dancing at Nationals. Which makes me really upset. But I had to get over it. So we all walked into the new studio ready to see Miss Abby and learn about what's happening at Nationals. Cassandra was with us again this week.

We walked in and stood in our line.

"here we are in another studio, another week we need a new group routine, and Claire has an injured foot." Abby said pointing at my boot.

"This is tuff, we have to do it today and there's props. Now I want to reflect a little bit on the past two weeks. I keep telling you guys you have been given an amazing opportunity. You've been hand-selected to go across the country and learn a new number each week and do these competitions. And you are not stepping up to the plate." Abby said


Abby interview:

"It's been a long road the girls are tired, we're all tired, but this is where they really need to push, focus, and dig down inside themselves and prove that they really are the champions that I have trained. Which is why I Brough an extra dancer to replace Claire for the duet I had planed for Maddie."


"I want to see energy, enthusiasm, fun, if you don't want to do it, there's probably a hundred other kids that would love to be in your shoes right now. So I need to see motivation, I want you to want to win this is my reputation on the line it's my name. But by now it's also your names. But before I start the pyramid, lets dress the elephant in the room." Abby said. "Claire, your boot."

I rubbed the back of my neck shyly. "Umm, the doctor said that even thought I should stay off of it, I could dance this week without permanent injury."

"Okay, well you're not dancing this week." Abby said.

I was really said, Maddie knew and she squeezed my hand. It helped me feel a little better.

"But since Claire will not be dancing, I had a duet in mind I wanted to do. So I brought a little guest. Cameron!" Abby yelled to the door.

And soon after my older Brother Cameron walked through the doors. If I wasn't in a boot I would have ran up and hugged him. I haven't seen him in so long. But he seemed to understand as I was the first person he hugged, then Maddie, then the other girls.


Cameron interview:

"Miss Abby asked me to come dance with the group so I agreed. I was happy to see my sisters, but mostly Claire since I see Cassandra more than Claire since we act in the same show."


"Now moving on to pyramid, starting with Paige. moving on is Nia, then Mackenzie, next we have Cassandra, the Chloe. Then Brooke. After that we have Claire. and back on top we have Maddie. you're doing your solo, and a duet with Chloe and..." Abby trailed off as she removed the paper from the picture on top of Maddie's.

it was Cameron

it was Cameron

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