Everyone's Replaceable

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I was in my bed when my mother woke me up.

"Claire time to get up, it's time for the new season!" My mother said slightly shaking me.

"I'm up, I'm up," I said sitting up and wiping my eyes.

"Good, meet me in the kitchen."

I nodded okay as I went to get ready when Maddie texted me.

Maddie: Claire I'm so excited for today!

Claire: Me too, getting ready now.

Maddie: Me too. See you at the studio.

I closed my phone and put on my outfit for today and went downstairs. When I went downstairs I saw Cameron, Cassandra, and my mother.

"Cassandra your coming today?" I asked as I sat down to eat.

"Don't know, Abby just asked me to come." She said while stuffing food into her mouth.

"Abby asked both of us to go." My brother Cameron said.

"Oh," I said finishing my meal.

"Alright kids, we need to go!" My mother said while getting her keys.

After a quick car ride, we were at the studio and found Melissa, Maddie, and Mackenzie waiting for us.

"Cassandra!" Mackenzie yelled running over to hug her.

"Mackenzie!" Cassandra yelled back, hugging her back.

I went over to hug Maddie, and my mother went to Melissa. After Maddie and I hugged, Cameron came over and said hello to Maddie, and Maddie gave him a quick hug before we headed inside.

In there I saw Chloe and I hugged her too before Abby started calling us into the studio.

"Girls, let's go!'


Melissa interview:

"I'm going into this competition season with a very open mind. And I'm not going to have any negative thoughts. I'm thinking very positive."


"how's it going?" Abby asked. "Where's Holly, Nia where is your mother?"

"She's at work," Nia said.

"Not going to happen. She needs to leave work, leave the job, forget it, and be here with you." Abby told Nia. "Now, first of all, you're national champions. It was a great competition at Starboard in Lake Tahoe. That's something to be very proud of. But you're a target. When you walk in, it's going to be all about beating the Abby Lee Dance Company. We saw that with Cathy, and her two new dancers, Danni and Quinn. I am going to have an open audition, a casting call for a new dancer for the Abby Lee Dance Company."


Kelly interview:

"I'm definitely nervous that there could be more than one replacement at the audition. I mean, my kids are always a the bottom. And, you know, I'm constantly fighting with Abby. How do I know that she's not replacing my kids? when I know for sure Melissa's kids and Sabrina's kids are staying."


"last on the pyramid, Mackenzie, you can't sit on the couch and eat chips. Next Brooke. Next Paige, no more vacations during dance, bother of you. Next Nia, Next Cassandra, liked the win at Nationals. Then we have Chloe, Next, we have Cameron, you did a good job with Maddie. You are an official member of the team."

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