The recital to end all recitals

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"Come on girls! Let's go!"Abby yelled

We all walked into our line.

"National champions congratulations give them a round of applause," Abby said

We smiled awkwardly as the mothers clapped for us.

"Overall high score small group, beating Cathy. I am very proud, now let me get the pyramid. Cameron, you're not on the pyramid. You haven't been dancing with us. I'm going to start at the bottom. Paige, you're injured. You're there because you didn't dance, there's nothing to judge you on. Next up, Claire. You didn't dance. You could've. Your friend Quinn was there. You could've beat her. Or maybe you were scared."Abby said

"I wasn't scared," I said while shaking my head.

"Next Maddie. I asked you to do a solo, and you said no. People don't tell me, no, that was an opportunity you missed. Next, Chloe. We wanted a clean sweep, a tenth of a point. The next time we come up against that kid I want you to make mince meat out of him. Do you understand that? Next Cassandra. You were okay this week, but not out there enough. You're a star, okay? I bet you could've beat Justice and Quinn."Abby said

I glanced over to my sister, who was grinning ear to ear. I couldn't help but roll my eyes.


Claire interview:

Producer: Why are you upset with your sister?

Claire: I feel like Abby is starting to favor her over me

Producer: Do you feel like you are better than your sister?

Claire: Yes


"Next Brooke. Brooke, we didn't get the bonnets till the last minute. Your job was to get that bonnet, put it on Maddie's head, and tie it. That was a crucial part of the routine and you did it and then Mackenzie. Not only did you beat a boy, you beat two boys. And on top of the pyramid again is Nia."Abby said

We all went to hug Nia.

"Nia it doesn't always have to do with the dancing and the performance. It has to do with all the other stuff that goes into it."Abby said

"Abby, Kendall deserves to be on that pyramid," Jill said

"Okay, first of all, you have to understand Kendall is here because she is replacing Paige, the minute Paige is ready to dance, Kendall's out of here," Abby explained

"Well, you could have told me that three weeks ago before we started, "Jill said

"Why?"Abby asked

Kendall started to cry and I gave her a small side hug. But there wasn't much I could do right now.

"She wins every number you put her in but she's not on the team! I don't know what else to do honey. I'm sorry, cause I would not have put you through this."Jill said

"Putting her through what? She just went to a competition and won their duet. She learned something she was fabulous!"Abby yelled

"She's a winner but you still won't put her on the team," Jill told Abby.

"The team part, that's all about commitment. And your mother is always ready to jump ship. Just like she was just now. Understood? I'm gonna tell everybody in this room right now. I don't want any altercations, I don't want tears, I don't want screaming yelling. This is a very big week. We are doing the 2012 Abby Lee Dance Company Concert. It is not a competition, but it is equally important."Abby said

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