Chapter Seven: One Bang

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A loud knock on Oriana's door, takes her out of her sleep.
"God damn it.." she groan's, rubbing her eyes as they adjust to the beem's of light through her window. She stand's walking to the door and peeping out through the crack, "Mornin'?.." she said as a red headed woman opens the door. "You know, waking up at this hour will only waist the day." Josephine say's as she opens the shudder's. Oriana shrug's, "damn sun's terrible anyway." she replied with a yawn.
Josephine smiles widely, "Well, To keep this short you'll never guess who i was riding with today." she smiles wider. "That Earp fellow?" Oriana ask's, which Josephine nod's. "And how was that?" Oriana say's leaning on the bed frame pole, lighting a cigarette. "Oh it was lovely, he's very intelligent and handsome, i must say! He's one of a kind, Roan." The woman goes on, "And my, he's very witty." Oriana cracks a smile, "Josephine, he's a man." She laugh's, "there's plenty of em'." which Josephine shakes her head to.
"What about you and Wyatt's friend, That doctor." Josephine smiles, "i've seen the way he look's at you." Oriana scoff's, "Don't even, he's with that tramp. She only wants him for the money and when he falls dead she'll take the cash a run." she shakes her head, taking a draw of her cigarette. "And it's Doc." Oriana shrugg's. "Roan, He see's your beauty. I'm sure you could have him if you really wanted. And c'mon, he's quite the catch himself." Josephine nudges her, cracking a smile. Oriana shakes her head, "He's cocky and so arrogant. Get's on my damn nerves." She shakes her head. "Roan, darling. Give the man a chance, you've been on his tail since you stepped foot in here." Josephine laughs, "I will when he calms his tone." Oriana crosses her arm's, taking another hit of her smoke.


Josephine and Oriana jump as gun shot's ring through Tombstone.
The two ladies talked for hour's before the sudden disturbance of the night. Oriana stamper's to the window of the Grand Hotel, peeking out to see a tall man with brown pants and a red shirt on. "Damn it, Brocius.." Oriana hisses as she grabs her gun belt and put's it on, "stay here." she turns to Josephine before walking out the Hotel, into the the road of Tombstone. Un-holstering her gun she slowly trails towards Curly Bill.
Oriana watches as the Marshall and Curly Bill go back and forth, Another shot goes off. The old man fall's, Bill falling towards the man. "Fred?... Come on now. Fred?" Before Oriana  can do anything Wyatt comes behind Curly bill and clocks him in the head with the butt of his gun. Oriana look's around seeing Josephine and Behan near the Grand Hotel, watching and many other's scattered the scene. "Got ol' Fred White!" A man call's, "Hey, He shot the Marshall!" another man add's.
"Get a rope!" say's a man with a long beard. Oriana walk's closer, spotting Ike Clanton and about 5 other cowboy's strolling up to Wyatt. "Turn him loose!" Ike say's, walking closer. Which Oriana follow's, coming in closer. "He said turn loose of him." another cowboy repeat's.
"Well i'm not; So, go home" Wyatt say's as he grabs Curly Bill's collar, a grunt coming from the man. "I swear to god, Law dog. You don't step aside, We'll tear you apart." Ike say's closing the distance between him and Wyatt. Quickly cocking the hammer, Wyatt points his gun and Ike's head, Oriana watching from a distance. "All right,you die first, get it? Your friend's might get me in a rush, but not before i make you head into a canoe.." Wyatt threatens, true to his word he points the gun to Ike's forehead. "He's bluffin'. let's rush him." Billy, Ike's brother say's.
"No... he ain't bluffin'.." Billy say's.
Oriana step's closer, watching the ordeal. "You're not as stupid as you look, Ike" Wyatt say's.
"Now tell them to get back." He add's.
"Go on now, Get back." Ike order's, "go on!" he say's, billy step's closer. "Billy! He'll kill me." Everyone pauses. "And you, Music lover." Say's a southern voice, Oriana  look's towards the saloon. A drunk Doc Holliday stepping out with his own gun, cocking the hammer. "You're next" he add's as billy turn's around to him. "It's the drunk piano player." He scoff's, "You're so drunk you cant hit nothin'. In fact, you're probably seeing double.." Billy retort's, pulling out a knife. Pulling out his other revolver, "i have two gun's, one for each of ya'.." Doc say's.
A shot gun goes off, Virgil Earp and Morgan Earp come running out. "Go home now!" The older man call's. Wyatt pushes Ike back with the tip of his gun. "i'll see you soon.. I'll see you real soon." Ike say's as he backs away.
Oriana stand's still, watching in silence. Wyatt glances to her before dragging Curly Bill off. She shakes her head before returning to her hotel.

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