Chapter Fourteen: Brother's to the Bone?

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Oriana stood by the train cart, looking up to talk to Virgil through the window. 
"I'll see you sometime near, Virg. Take care, old man." Oriana said as she tapped the side of the train starting to walk away.

Oriana looks to Stillwell as he and Ike turn around. "Hey, Mattie! Where's Wyatt?" He call's, Oriana quickly reached for her gun till she hear's Wyatt. 
"Right behind you, Stillwell" He say's, the men turn and in a blink of an eye Wyatt shoot's Stillwell, Ike drops to the floor. Oriana walk's up, holding her revolver as she kick's Stillwell's shotgun away from his hand. Wyatt walk's up to Ike, holding the shot gun at his head. The tip of Wyatt's boot lift's Ike's head, slowly moving his foot with a quick swipe of his spur, Ike's mouth is gushing with blood. 

Sherman McMaster's, "Turkey Creek" Jack Johnson, "Texas Jack" Vermilion, and Doc Holliday stride towards the scene, stopping just near Oriana.
"All right, Clanton." Wyatt said, aiming his shotgun. "You called down the thunder. Well, now you got it." He stated, pulling back his coat to reveal what Oriana could only assume as a Marshall's. badge. "You see that? It say's, "United States Marshall"." Which confirmed Oriana guess. 
"Wyatt. Please don't kill me. Please. " Ike pleaded. "Take a good look at him, Ike, 'cause that's how you're gonna end up. "Wyatt said, ignoring his pleases. Wyatt lean's forward's, lifting his leg and pushing Ike to the ground with his boot resting on the man's throat. "The cowboy's are finished. You understand me?" Wyatt said and suddenly Oriana was hit with an overwhelming ache in her chest.

Yes, Johnny had horrid thing's to say but he always told the truth. Yes, Curly Bill was a slob but he always made tense situations a bit lighter. Yes, Ike was a complete idiot but he was loyal to the bone. Oriana chest ached and tears seemed to fall down her cheek without noticing, her green eyes flickered and she turned on her heel's and walked off. No matter  how hard she drifted from the slob's people called cowboy's she always sat with them. Though she was no man of any sort's she was still the same little girl who followed her brother through the dangerous journey of being a cowboy.


Oriana walks out the Grand Hotel, her eyes heavy and puffy. Walking down through the street, he head glanced down and her head tilted forward. Without looking she bump's into someone, more like shoulder checking. Oriana sigh's, flicking her head towards the person. Her green eyes were met with Doc Holliday's. " 'Lo there, Miss Roan." He said, taking a drag of his cigarette.  Oriana blinks, "Mornin'." She said plainly, glancing at his cigarette. Without skipping a beat, Doc takes another hit before passing the rolled tobacco to her. She looked at the cigarette before back at him which he only smirked in response. Oriana leans up, taking a hit from the cigarette that he held between his index finger and thumb. 

She exhales the smoke, "Are you travelin' with us?" He asked taking a hit. "Where to?" Oriana asked, her heart quickening as she thought of Wyatt's word's from the night prior. "Taking out the cowboy." Doc said plainly. Oriana becomes tense, "When are you leaving?" Oriana she asked, " 'Bout 8." Doc said, shrugging. 
30 minutes.
"I'll let you know then." She said, turning. "Wyatt asked, not me." Doc said, Oriana looked back. "Then i'll tell Wyatt." She said plainly before walking. "The Oriential." Doc called which Oriana gave no response and continued to walk.



Oriana walked into the Oriental. Wyatt, Doc, Turkey Creek, McMaster's and Texas Jack. 
"Lovely for you to join us, Miss Roan." Doc smirked. Oriana looked at the man before to Wyatt. "I'll go with you but i ain't killing Ringo. I'm not aiming nothing at him no matter if he shoot's first." Oriana said plainly. "No one's going to make you." Wyatt replied.
Oriana stared back for a moment. "Was brother's to the bone not promising enough?" Doc said, his southern tone was light yet filled with some sort of playful manner. Oriana glanced to him, her green hues darkening. "Watch your toes, Holliday." 
"He's all fun." Wyatt defended him, patting the woman's shoulder. "All fun, exactly." Doc gave a cheeky smirk which the woman only rolled her eyes in response to.

"Let's start headin' out." Wyatt finally announced and with that they did.


The five men and one woman ride off, the heat beating their faces yet the wind from the galloping horses cool's them momentarily. Wyatt in the front , Doc and Oriana on either side, Turkey Creek, McMaster's and Texas Jack resting either behind Doc or Oriana.  The 6 traveled into very small town's making shootout's in front of children, in bar's, outside. Anywhere. Any man who had a red sash was gunned along with any buddies he seemed to have. Oriana was a gunslinger, a good one at that but she barely shot. Obviously when needed but never killing more than a man or two. Some men she knew or have seen but never knew personally yet the action still hit her hard.

Wyatt asked.
McMaster's asked.
Texas Jack asked.
Turkey Creek asked.
Oriana had a strong yet silent opinion on the whole ordeal but kept quiet for peace sake. After looting another small town of Cowboy's the group rides off once more.

One small town stood out and the group even stayed till dusk.
Wyatt and Texas jack went off to follow 3 cowboy's. Turkey creek went with McMaster's and Doc and Oriana went off together.
"Holliday.." Oriana said, the pair stood in the darkness of an alleyway. Doc caught Oriana stare at a cowboy and two prostitutes. Doc hit his cigarette before handing it to Oriana who took the last hit and threw it on the ground, stepping on it to put the bud out and followed next to Doc. Keeping a good distance they walk into the cheep hotel the cowboy walked into. "We'll only be a minute.." Oriana said to the front desk worker for the hotel. The pair follow behind, hearing their hotel door shut and some talking and giggling.
Oriana pulled out both her revolver's, still keeping them down. The hotel; hallway was quiet, not sound but a few mumbled voices. Oriana looked up to Doc, waiting for him to say when. Doc's eyes didn't move from the door. Minutes that seemed like hour's passed slowly before Doc gave a quick nod and Oriana strode up to the door. Oddly enough the door was open, bunch of drunk's didn't lock it. Oriana pointed her gun's without hesitation, "Nobody move." She said, "Nonsense. By all mean's, move" Doc said, his southern tone dashed with a daring echo. a door slowly came open, Oriana stayed, pointing her revolver's while Doc turned out the door frame, aiming his shot gun and someone and shooting, and with that Oriana shot the cowboy dead in the bed, leaving the woman unharmed.


Before long the group was back out riding. Wyatt preferred just shooting with his own gun and while Doc usually handled his shot gun. Texas Jack only really used his own gun, as well as Turkey Creek while Oriana and McMaster's handled the lose cowboy's differently, hitting them with the butt of the shot gun, shooting near their horses hooves to make the stallion lose control, chasing them for long unnecessary period's of time. Wyatt usually shook his head when Oriana went on her own and came back with a wide grin or laughing with McMaster's on how they handled it.

It was no secret that Oriana was fine with McMaster's presence, they had to have some history; friendship wise. Usually coming back around sun down, which was normal for their old cowboy way's.

The group stayed at a steady pace through the night before coming up to a few tents with lantern's lighting up the inside. Wyatt dismounted from his horse, handing the rein's to Oriana who held them without a complaint. Wyatt pulled out his revolver, which was quiet the handy weapon he had. A Colt Buntline Special, which was similar to Colt Single Action Army. Wyatt took slow strides into the tent, peeking in before heading inside. Oriana only saw Wyatt's and one man's shadow before a gun shot went off, Wyatt coming out the tent unharmed.

Author's note:
I'm so happy to see this story get some attention !! I hope you are all liking it so far, and apologize for not updating in a second. School and home life has gotten into the way.

**(This chapter was edited so if you already read it it has changed with some scene's added !)**

Thank you, Cheer's !! Xx

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