❤~chapter three~❤

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3rd person's POV

same day

darren: hi im darren you can call me dar

chan: bangchan you can call me anything dar

darren: okay

regie: okayyyy so this is felix,hyunjin, and bangchan

all expect the four: hi

regie: and this is sebastin-

seb: seb

regie: seb,ryan,justin,dar,kane, and oli

oli: oliver

felix: hi im sure you guys know me since you know hyunjin but im 23 and my name is felix lee yongbok

ryan: hi im ryan im 22 nice to meet you felix

seb: hi im seb 20

oli: 22

regie: stop oli

oli: stop what

regie: lets go talk ill be back darren keep them behaved

oli's POV

we walked to the closest room there which was his and he locked and closed the door and just stands there facing the door he didnt look at me once for 5 mins straight i was getting cornered and i walked over and tapped his shoulder and he jumped at the feeling of my touch

regie: whats wrong with you

oli: what do you mean

regie: you want her back go get her i give no fucks but please dont have her around me

oli: i dont want her

regie: why are you mad at me what did i do to you ever since the thing with ava happened you have been mad at me why oli i act like i dont care but i care so much why are you mad hyunjin is here why are you mad at me every second of the day

oli: i just dont like that you are a-

regie: a man whore

oli: r-right

regie: maybe i dont do what i tell ya'll i do

oli: you do

regie: i dont i am mostly at the club drinking my feelings away and on some days i have sex i never have sex more than 2 times a month

oli: really

regie: hundred percent im sorry i said i do all those thing ever tho im a sad fuck that gets no bitches

oli: its okay reg im sorry i have been mean to you

regie: im sorry to lets go back out and get to playing smash

oli: he plays smash

regie: hes just like us just more famous hes a human he likes to be treated like one okay

oli: okay i say unlocking and opening the door

felix: so regie you got a girlfriend he says looking at hyunjin

regie: no im a single pringle

felix: thats awesome he says looking at regie

regie: i guess

felix: wanna go out to eat

chan: what

felix: as friends of course

regie: yeah sure

hyunjin: no

felix: says ?

hyunjin: says me stop acting like a kid lix and grow up

felix: what you mean

hyunjin: stop

darren: oooo felixxxxx

felix: what hyunjin

hyunjin: okay darren remember what i told you about your looks

darren: yeah

hyunjin: wanna go out cutie

darren: no thanks

hyunjin: why not

darren: because you and felix are dating

felix: am not

chan: is too why are ya'll do this

hyunjin: he started it

felix: stop being touchy with regie then

regie: um we're best friends

felix: and sweetcakes me and him are best friends now look at us

regie: if i wanted to date him i would have but i didnt i see him as a brother so calm your ass down and sit down

felix: who the heck are you talking to

hyunjin: felix stop

felix: nah you wanna fight little dude

hyunjin: that's it bye regie i love you bye guys come on chan he says putting felix over his shoulder

felix: bye regie i love you he says mocking hyunjin

felix's POV

felix: i hate you

hyunjin: no what if he doesnt want to see me again

felix: great

hyunjin: your being selfish

felix: im am not

hyunjin: the uber is here put your shit on and act right

felix: dont talk to me like that

chan: felix chill

felix: forget it we're done for good this time he says taking off his rings

hyunjin: mhm he says getting the rings

felix: im deadass

hyunjin: OKAY FELIX

chan: calm down hyunjin go over there and let me talk with lix okay

hyunjin: okay

felix: he doesnt care chan he says crying

chan: he does its just your jealousy and you get jealous easily and always assume him of cheating and he getting tired of having to make you happy by cutting everyone off he feels like he is getting controlled but he's to scared to lose you the first time you said you wanted to break up he was a crying mess he cares so much for you but he feels like you dont care for him

felix: how do you know that

chan: he told me himself

felix: im sorry i just think his going to find a better girl than me or a better man than me and im just going to have to look at him and feel pain i see the way han looks at him han likes hyunjin a lot of people do thats what im scared of

chan: its okay and han doesnt like hyunjin lets be real here we all know he loves lee know

felix: okay come on i need to say sorry to hyunjinnie

hyunjin: uber's here

felix: im sorry hyunjinnie i know i am wrong i just dont want to lose you for you to find someone better than me i love you hyunjin please

hyunjin: i love you too lix

felix: im so sorry i didnt mean too im sorry he says crying

hyunjin: its okay lix now get in the car





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