🤣~chapter 16 ~🤣

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regie's POV 

same night 

i know damn well she didnt just come out looking like that she basically didnt have on any clothes at this point but imma be quite and not ruin oli's night 

oli: people are here is that it 

regie: baby you know that its gonna be more i say holding olis wasit 

oli: okay 

justin: bro why are there so many people 

regie: what are you talking about its only like 20 people here

justin: yeah a lot i just wanna be in beddd

regie: suck my dick justin 

darren: he would rather suck mines 

justin: no and no 

darren: whatever nice party regie 

regie: i know and there are going to be even more people watch but i'll be back imma go use the bathroom okay love 

oli: mhm 

i walked upstairs the bathroom to take a quick bathroom break before everyone gets here because when they do people are going to be everywhere and fucking or making out in the restroom is what they do i got done and went to get oli but when i saw him lia was on him trying to kiss him and my blood was boiling 

regie: what the hell

oli: i swear i didnt do anything she just came over and sat on my lap and was trying to kiss me regie i swear

regie: lia what is wrong with you 

lia: i love oli um like you all you do is hang out with girls 

regie: who and you better not say yeji,yuna,ryunjin,or you because you know damn well i tell oli before i talk you guys 

lia: whats this she says facing her phone to us 

regie: that was a long time ago 

lia: sure it was oli i will treat you better than him 

oli: but you didnt, you let people flirt with you even tho i was right there

lia: im a scared girl cant say no to anyone oli 

oli: whatever if you cant act right get out 

lia: what 

oli: you heard me 

lia: did you not just see the picture i showed you

oli: if you didnt know thats regie ex i forgot her name i never liked her

regie: you didnt 

oli: no 

regie: why what she do to you 

oli: nothing i just felt something was wrong with her

regie: okay 

lia: like i was saying that picture was taken a week ago he posted it on his other account 

regie: i dont have other one 

lia: whats this she says showing us the phone 

regie: thats not mine 

oli: yeah i have his passwords and everything 

regie: yeah 

lia: lets see your phone then 

darren: guys someone is having sex in the bathroom 

regie: what did you expect 

darren: right whats wrong oli

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