🥹 ~chapter 11~ 🥹

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oli's POV

the next day

i woke up and i was pissed regie did that shit on purpose so ava would break up with me he's mad and im even madder that he did that he almost told everyone we fucking dated i took a shower got ready and stormed over to regie's room and brusted in 

oli: why the hell would you do that yesterday 

regie: do what i was pretty wasted he says texting on his phone 

oli: dont play dumb you were trying to tell them huh 

regie: aww you dont want your little girlfriend finding out huh he says getting up walking to oli 

oli: why would i 

regie: whatever if you dont wanna talk im not gonna force you to bye get out im having company over 

oli: regie- 

regie: get out now 

oli: b- he says as the door closes in his face 

i know i fucked up but he did too he was being all on han thats why i left thats why we broke up because he cheats he doesnt want anything serious and i know it i went downstairs and got breakfast but not before texting ava sorry and good morning 

seb: hey what's up

oli: hey 

seb: so how long did ya'll date for 

oli: well she-

seb: regie 

oli: what are you talking about 

seb: i saw how hurt he looks he loves you why'd ya'll break up

oli: hes nothing but a cheater 

seb: he cheated on you 

oli: no but he was going to 

seb: how do you know 

oli: he was hugged up on han and talking about han and his cute chubby cheeks like i wasnt right there 

seb: well makes since han is his hyung regie looks up to him but still that doesnt mean he was going to cheat 

oli: sure 

seb: i wont be here if everytime a girl or guy came up to ryan when i wasnt there and thought he was cheating thats called overthinking oli regie loves you he wants happiness for you trust me he means well in life thats why he didnt say anything last night till he got drunk he loves everyone but i can see he loves you more than anyone 

regie: who loves who 

seb: no one so how was last night 

regie: oh i canceled

seb: why 

regie: someone wanted to talk to me today so im out love you guys bye seb bye oli 

seb: see 

oli: what im not saying sorry if thats what you expect 

seb: your being childish ava is a gold digger and cheats on you why would you trade reg for that like he said a slut sorry but thats just how i see it i know how mama raised me and all but she also said follow whats right and speak your mind 

oli: shut up your not even a men yet your a kid 

seb: a kid who has someone who loves him for him not his money oli i think im more of a men then you he says walking away 

i thought about it maybe seb is right im going back to someone i know cheats and uses me for my money and i left someone i really care about who really care about me i missed regie i missed his kisses,hugs,i missed everything about him 

oli: shit i have to call him 

* call with regie *

regie: yeah wasp im at the gym he says out of breath 

oli: oh i thought you were with a friend 

regie: yeah we at the gym use your brain oli damn 

oli: oh what time you gonna be home 

regie: um we'll be there soon i gotta go 

oli: you cant anyone over today 

regie: okay im coming tonight then 

oli: okay bye 

*end call*

i waited for hours for him in my damn room texting ava telling her we should break up and fighting with her then she blew up my phone so i put it on silent i hear a knock on the door so i went to open it 

ava: why do we have to break up she says walking in 

oli: i dont love you 

ava: so who do you love

oli: i love regie 

ava: oh regie bro why him 

oli: hes nice and he doesnt cheat on me 

guy: oh sorry regie let me in where is the laundry room

oli: oh my god regie 

regie: andrew come on

oli: whos he 

regie: someone 

ava: see nothing is new about regie he does the same thing

regie: what 

oli: nothing 

ava: tell him how your still in love with him oli 

oli: ava get out 

andrew: regie imma go but i see you tomorrow 

regie: yeah 

andrew: call me later 

regie: okay 

oli: ava get out please 

ava: regie oli loves you and i know im a bad person but im been going to therapy and working on myself and you deserve oliver im sorry for what i did in the past 

regie: you are

ava: yeah and oli i really dont love you i love my best friend im sorry 

oli: thank you 

ava: i gotta go bye she says walking out the door 

regie: now what did you want i was busy 

oli: im sorry 

regie: for what

oli: for breaking up for no reason and leaving you 

regie: its fine is that it 

oli: im sorry regie please can we try again please i cant stop thinking about you regie i miss you so much and i wont do that again j- he says cut off by lips 

regie: its fine im willing to try again he says walking away 

oli: THANK YOU he says running behind regie and hugging him 

regie: mhm i gotta go now im shower

oli: okay bye 

regie: mhm 



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