Chapter 3: Operation Torch of the Station.

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"March, Dan Heng, you've been through a lot." It was Himeko.

"Whew, Himeko.~ What took you so long? That last wave of Antimatter Legion came at us like a swarm of Locusts, have you ever tried shooting Locusts with a bow?" March replied.

"I wouldn't make a difference. My Orbital Cannon can deal with a whole bunch of enemies at once, but I couldn't just blow up the space station with it - Herta would NOT like that..." Himeko replied.

She then turned to Arlan and asked...

"Are you alright, Arlan? Asta's been worried about you."

"I'm fine. Alaia's Nanoshot took care of most of the problem. I'll report the situation to Lead Researcher Asta immediately. Bye." Arlan replied and left.

Arlan then turned to Alaia and said.

"And thanks, Alaia."

"No problem, Arlan. Just be more careful." Alaia replied.

He nodded and left the area. As Himeko noticed Stelle and said.

"Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Himeko, navigator of the Astral Express."

"In other words, she's in charge of where the Express goes." March added.

Himeko then noticed Stelle, Alaia, and Sullivan, are not in a good mood. Especially Stelle...

"What's the matter, you three? Did something happen?"

"Ugh! It's Wilson!" March opened her mouth, which surprised both Sullivan and Alaia. "Virgilio said that he's joining, but Wilson just has to threaten to Court Marshal him for violating orders!"

"Oh dear... I forgot that Wilson is always the type to go by the book..." Himeko, with a concerned tone.

"In other members' case... He's a pain in their head." Dan Heng.

Stelle was ready to kill Wilson... But... Notice a Jackal was at not to close at the window and the Pilot pulls up his visor...

It was Virgilio who waved at Stelle and everyone else.

Himeko smiled and waved back, including March and Sullivan, as Dan Heng and Alaia simply nodded. While Stelle...

"Virgilio!!! Let me fly with you!!!"

"Stelle..." Alaia tried to calm her down.

Virgilio went back to work on swatting the Legion with other members of the Lighting Squadron.

Virgilio's POV...

And then a 60th Kill against the Annaliation Legion. As I flew past and shot down more Legions, with the 7th Phoenix Fleet doing their best to repel or take out the Annaliation Legion Forces.

With both my Jackal's GAMP Microlite and Anvil doing much help, along with my Squadmates of his Lighting Squadron.

"I've told you not to meddle with civilians' business." Wilson, radios to me.

"You seriously threaten to Court Marshal me for helping the Trailblazers...?" I replied.

"The Trailblazers are Secondary Objectives. Our Primary Objective is to fight against the Enemies of the Federation, to the bitter end. Even if it means, fighting against the Trailblazers."

"Vell, Mein komaradens, no wonder Herr Wilson is a Single Man. Because Heer Wilson here graduated Law School from Yappingsville and got himself Conscripted as a Pilot." Wilhelmina Irmingard or Lighting 1-6 remarked while dealing with the Voidranger Distorters in her R-16 Skelter colored Blue.

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