01. Peek into Ava's life

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Ava's POV

Dear Diary,

My life is the same as it was yesterday. Hence Yesterday COPY - Today PASTE.

Goodnight diary!

Welcome to my boring life.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself. I am Avabelle. Just Avabelle, a solitary soul with no surname to claim, a consequence of my orphaned existence. The halls of an orphanage were my lifelong abode until the rules dictated my departure at the tender age of 18. Now I am 24 and doing well in life. Armed with a bachelor's degree in literature, I have forged my path into the world of words. Currently, I weave my narratives as a content writer in a reputable publication house.

I live in a shared apartment with my lively friend Mila, or as I affectionately call her, Mia. She is a person who motivates me to embrace life. Hailing from a family where her siblings and dad exuded fun, she had already lost her mother. Mia is not just a friend; she is my sister, my mother, in short, my everything.

I've always wanted a pet, preferably a puppy. However, the dilemma arises about who would care for it when both of us are out of the house. So, for now, it remains just a wish. On a brighter note, I have a passion for cooking, dancing, and dressing up.

For a great day, all you need is yummy food and a good look in the mirror. Because, let's be honest, good food and good looks are all we need to have a good day.

Well, this is my life so far, in short.

Time to sleep now.

Good Night!

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