05. Party Invitation

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After a tasty breakfast made by Mia, I headed to the office with a load of work awaiting me. The response from William Vernon's side was still missing, and my manager, Clara, had been asking about it. I snagged the interview opportunity, but it didn't sit well with Sophia, who constantly taunted me for it.

Around 11 am, during a coffee break in the mini-canteen, Sophia approached and remarked, "It's not their busy schedule, but your bad luck that you're not getting any response from the Vernons. Give others a chance to handle the project." With that, she disappeared, leaving her words hanging in the air.

As I pondered whether my predicament was truly the result of bad luck, Samya approached me with some words of wisdom.

"Brush off her comments and focus on preparing the draft for the interview," Samya advised.

"But they haven't reached out to me yet. How can I prepare the draft?" I questioned.

Samya reassured me, "Once they call, you won't even have time for draft making. Bigwigs like them don't give much notice, you know." Grateful for her encouragement, I thanked her, realizing the unpredictable nature of dealing with influential figures.

As I immersed myself in crafting the interview draft, my phone interrupted the focused silence with a call.

"Hello," I greeted as I picked up the call.

"Hello, it's Tess speaking from Vernon's Corporation. We received your request for an interview," Tess, William Vernon's assistant, spoke from the other end.

"Yes, Mr. Tess. I would be honored to seize the opportunity to interview Mr. Vernon. I was hoping to know his free schedule for the interview," I replied.

"That's the issue. I understand you need this article for the monthly magazine, but Mr. Vernon's schedule is packed until next month. A week later, he is leaving for a business trip," he explained.

"Oh! Is there any way you can arrange it in between? I hardly need an hour of his time if you could make sure of it," I inquired.

"Okay, let me ask Mr. Vernon, and I will let you know," he said before ending the call. The uncertainty of securing an interview within the tight schedule added a new layer of anticipation to the task at hand.

I found myself holding my breath as I awaited Tess's response, desperately wishing for a positive outcome. Twenty tense minutes later, my phone rang with Tess on the line.

"Hello, Miss Avabelle. I confirmed with Mr. Vernon, and he said he might arrange some time next Monday. There's a party at Vernon's residence for his son's birthday, and you'll have the opportunity to interview him during that time. Is that okay with you?" Tess inquired.

"Yeah, that works perfectly for me," I replied with a mix of relief and excitement.

"Okay then, I'll send you an invitation soon," he confirmed.

"Thank you, Mr. Tess," I expressed my gratitude, feeling a surge of anticipation for the exclusive interview opportunity that lay ahead.

As Samya predicted, I had a mere five days for preparation. I promptly informed Clara about the upcoming interview, and she shared in my excitement. In the evening, I returned to our flat and freshened up. Mia, coming in after her café shift, did the same. I brewed some coffee, and we settled on our balcony—the designated spot for our daily "let's share our day" ritual.

"So, how was my baby's day? Someone seems in a good mood, hmm. Am I getting a brother-in-law?" Mia teased with a mischievous giggle.

"Come on, Mia, you say anything. But yes, I am happy because guess what?" I responded, unable to contain my excitement.

"You got the interview," she replied nonchalantly.

"Yessss, how do you know?" I asked, genuinely amazed.

She observed me for a moment, then dramatically jumped on me, shouting, "Really? Oh my god, I was just guessing. Congratulations, girl!" Mia hugged the hell out of me.

Three days zoomed by in a flash, consumed by my intense preparation for the impending interview. Like any other day, Mia and I found ourselves in the balcony with our comforting cups of coffee. However, Mia's sudden question threw me into a momentary panic. Oh no! I hadn't given it a thought. What she asked was, "You literally have to go to a high-class party the day after tomorrow, and here you are, having your coffee as if you have prepared everything. Baby, what are you going to wear to the party?"

I blinked several times, then dramatically cried in front of her, "Mia, thank god you made me remember that. It was literally out of my mind. What should I do now?"

"Shopping!" she replied in a duh tone.

The next day, amid last-minute interview preparations and confirmations, I received my invitation. Now, I found myself in a mall, in a designer store with Mia. She had rejected countless dresses, all because she wanted me to go as a single and return as a couple. Did that even make any sense? Well, for Mia, it did.

"This is the last one for sure," Mia declared, thrusting a stunning black dress into my hands. I headed to the changing room, slipped into the dress, and, catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, the only thing that escaped my lips was, "Woah! You look hot, Ava."

Emerging from the changing room, Mia gasped. "My god, Ava, you look gorgeous. I wish I were a boy; I would have proposed to you right here."

I giggled at her playful comment and asked, "So, this one is final, right?"

"Hell, yes!" she exclaimed, causing everyone in the store to glance our way, wondering what had sparked the sudden burst of enthusiasm.

"Hell, yes!" she exclaimed, causing everyone in the store to glance our way, wondering what had sparked the sudden burst of enthusiasm

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We purchased the dress and returned to our flat. The next day, I nervously prepared for the party while Mia played the role of my stylist. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I saw Mia had done minimal but perfect makeup, with light curls framing my hair. Simple earrings and a bracelet completed the look, and overall, I felt pretty.

"Relax, Ava! It's not like you're interviewing someone for the first time," Mia reassured me.

"But I've never interviewed a big shot like this before," I admitted.

"Believe me, Ava, your day and the interview will go well. Who knows, you might find Mr. Perfect tonight," she teased.

Her words eased my nerves, and I chuckled. "You're never going to change, are you?" I said.

"Neverrrrr," she shouted.

After bidding her goodbye, I hailed a cab to the venue. Forty minutes later, I stood in front of an imposing bungalow, the nameplate outside reading "Vernon's Villa."

"Okay, Avy! You can do it," I whispered to myself, mustering up the courage as I approached the main gate of the villa.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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