03. That's how I met him

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Beep, beep, beep... The alarm's persistent sound cut through my sleep, pulling me reluctantly into the waking world. No snooze today—I had to get to the office on time. I groggily rolled out of bed, took a quick shower, and threw on a comfy sky-blue shirt with grey shorts.

I stumbled into the kitchen to find Mia, my morning savior, setting up breakfast. "Morning, Mia," I greeted.

"Morning, love," she replied. "Looking pretty as always. I wish I had your beauty; I'd have boys wrapped around my finger. But here you are, not even using it!" she playfully complained. Mia runs a cafe owned by her dad, and we usually leave for work together. It's our little morning routine, adding some charm to the daily grind.

I zipped to the office on my scooter while Mia took her car. First thing I saw at the office? Benny's face—yeah, that guy who's been asking me out for six months straight. Six months of rejections didn't seem to deter him. I gave him the classic ignore move, made a beeline for my cubicle, and got down to business.

My goal for the day was snagging an interview with big-shot William Vernon, the business tycoon. Been trying to reach his assistant for days.

Enter Samya, my friendly co-worker, all the way from India. "Hey, Ava! How's it going?" she asked.

"Hey Sammy, all good. What about you and your 'bodyguard'?" I teased, emphasizing the word. She blushed and insisted, "Ava, he's not my bodyguard. Stop teasing, you bunny."

"Don't call me bunny!" I protested. Just then, Adam, our colleague, popped up and greeted us with a casual "Hey." I leaned over to Samya and whispered, "Here comes your 'bodyguard.'"

Just to clear things up, he's not really a bodyguard. Just a guy in the office head over heels for Samya. Just another day in the office drama.

Lunchtime rolled around, and I was gearing up to head to the canteen when I spotted a delightful scene – a happy family, parents playing with their child. It made me pause and reflect. I'd always wondered what it's like to be truly loved. Sure, I have friends, but their love comes with priorities. I yearn for the kind of love where no one needs to be prioritized over the other – where we can go through life together, sharing everything. Sigh... maybe in the next life, Ava, in the next life.

My musings were abruptly interrupted by a screeching voice. It was Sophia, the perennially irritating girl who seemed to have a personal vendetta against me.

"Aww, Little Princess reminiscing about her parents. Oops, my bad, you don't even know who your parents are, let alone remember moments with them," she mocked before sauntering away. I stood there lost in my thoughts until Adam approached, clearly frustrated.

"Why do you let her spew her nonsense without responding? That's why she takes you lightly," he complained.

"What did she even say? I don't have a family; in fact, I never had one. That's the truth," I replied, feeling dejected.

"If I started revealing her secrets, she wouldn't find a corner to hide her face," he spat angrily, leaving before I could say anything more.

Days slipped away like sand through my fingers, and it was time to leave. Still feeling the sting of Sophia's words, I found solace in the park – my go-to place for sadness. As I sat on a bench, lost in thought, I felt something soft and fluffy rubbing against my feet. My gloomy mood instantly lifted as I discovered a cute white creature, a little rabbit. I picked it up, marveling at its innocence when I heard a distant sound, almost like someone calling it "Snowy."

I caught sight of an incredibly handsome man running towards me and stopping right in front of me. I couldn't help but get lost in admiring him when he said, "I'm sorry if my pet disturbed you." Oh, the voice! It was like music. Snap back to reality, I replied, "No worries at all. The little one brightened my gloomy mood."

But then, his tone turned cold and rude. "If you're done with your gloomy mood, can I have my pet back?" Suddenly, he went from dreamy to devilish. And did I mention, he had this perpetual poker face all the time?

His words stung, and I returned his rabbit immediately. It's not like I had kidnapped the thing; it came to me on its own. Without saying another word, I left. I came back to my apartment changed into my pajamas, and settled in the living room.

Mia entered, heading to her room to freshen up. In the meantime, I whipped up dinner, and we enjoyed our meal. Later that night, I spilled the beans to Mia about encountering this devilish stranger. She was furious at him. "Why didn't you slap him on both cheeks right then and there?" she demanded, always the rebellious one.

Back in my room, I grabbed my diary and started jotting down the day's bizarre encounter.

Dear Diary,

Today was not a copy of yesterday because, in the office, I had an interaction with Sophia and..........................................................................................

And that's how I met him, the devil.

Good night diary!

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