Kim Jennie

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So guys i am sorry because I am late to unload because my exams are coming so and I was not getting ideas please comment and give me some ideas about the wedding and after the wedding and do you want a new character or not. And I am changing my writing style.

Back to the the story

Yn called somi to inform about the shopping and wedding

On call

Yn: somi I can't come because I am not feeling well today and Jungkook even say no to go today so.

Somi: but what about wedding yn

Yn: Jungkook was saying that he is going to postpone the wedding.

Somi,: oh...ok then are you feeling fine or should I come the house.

Yn: no no it's fine don't need to come over here .

Somi: ok take care bye i will call you later as i will be coming over there with Balck pink and  Taehyung and Jimin you know na.

Yn : yes i ofcourse i know by the way I hope you can walk because of Taehyung oppa.

Somi: w.what a.are you s.saying huh

Yn: no need to hid ok i know everything ok bye.

And then yn cut the call

Jungkook pov

I was talking to dad on the call as I want to postpone the wedding

And my dad say yes but he want to meet yn and have a family dinner

So I say yes cause why not and there will be three family

As mine me , mom , dad and somi and one Taehyung family

Taehyung himself, yn , her mom , her dad and last jisoo noona as she is yn cousin and lives with them to sometime and loves yn and Taehyung a lot

And there will be Jimin family too as there are best friends of both of the family's

In that family Jimin, rosé , his mom,his dad, . Yes rosé and Jimin are step siblings as Jimin mom left them and after
Years his dad fell in love with rosé mom

But all the people know that Jimin and rosé are in love with each other.

Authors pov

Now Jungkook is going to the room to see yn he came inside and see yn scrolling her phone while siting on the bed

He came and sat on the bed to and started doing his work

While yn open her laptop she was seeing the comments of their engagement ceremony

Which was post on the social media as they announced it

Yn basically was seeing how people are reacting and thinking that if they got to know about their marriage what will happen

how will they react. So many thoughts for roaming around her head has she is a kpop of idol and has to maintain her image good in the industries

Some how she was scared to as they are so many  fan girls to and if they get to know that Jungkook is marrying her

So they will criticize her because already so many people don't like her

But they  are so many people who likes her to and they will stand up for her. That's what make her so happy

She was scrolling the laptop seeing everyone's comments

Some of the people were liking her and saying that they were a good match but some of the people were hating her and saying that she doesn't deserve Jungkook

But yn   doesn't care about what people says but it hurts when people say to her like this

It Hurts when lot of people hate her. And that's what make her scared  to married jungkook because she knows that if she married him than some how she will get criticize a lot.

But she doesn't want to disappoint her father  him has she loved him a lot and she knows what her father decides it is better for her

She was she was scrolling in the laptop but then suddenly
something got attention

She saw that in the couple of minute the whole social media started talking about her come back .

The whole social media was filled with her photos and some hits of her come back

And the blinks were so happy because now yn  was free from YG entertainment  and she didn't renewed her contact for solo activities but she renewed  her contract for group activities.

Everyone was wondering how she will she going to do her come back with her own label

She was kind of happy then suddenly Jungkook said

Jungkook: princess today we have a family dinner so get ready.

Yn: umm..ok

She said while looking at the laptop making Jungkook wondered what she was doing

So he came towards her sat beside her as wanted to see what she was doing . He peek and then took the laptop from her hands

Yn :  what are you doing Jungkook

Jungkook: princess what are you doing let me see

He said and started seeing

Jungkook: my princess is famous to .well why they are commenting that.

and he started seeing the comments but something got his attention

There was a comment . That now we have to protect Jennie (yn) as now she is engaged with Jeon Jungkook and now Jennie is going to get criticized soon

Jungkook: why they have written this

Yn: your fan girls don't worry about that worry about you because my fans are gonna test you .

Jungkook: but. He got cut

Yn: I have to go to get ready.

She said as she doesn't want to talk about it and Jungkook understand it

Yn get up and goes to the bathroom to get ready

So guys next part will come tomorrow and today itself

And the parts are gonna short now

Bye bye cuties

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