I love you my baby princess

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Yn was coming out of the bathroom but then suddenly got pinned on the wall by someone

Yn: j.Jungkook

Yn: what are you doing

Jungkook: why didn't you told me this first

Jungkook: and you should have told about this

Yn: ..........

Jungkook: say something Jeon yn

Yn : i.i was scared I was scared i d.don't know what to d.do

Yn: if you want to leave me you can and I am us- got cut by Jungkook kiss he was kissing her roughly

Jungkook: dare to say that I will never leave you

Yn: b.but you're reputation will get down because of me

Jungkook: nothing is more important then you princess

Yn: I don't want to marry you

Jungkook: why

Yn: because if I marry you then I will get more hate and can't take

Jungkook: Princess I will not let anyone hurt you or made you cry if someone did then it's gonna be that person late day on earth

Yn : so  will you be with me

Jungkook: i will be with forever Princess

Jungkook: I love you my baby princess

Yn: but i don't know my feelings

Jungkook: it's ok you will get to know about it later

Yn: and i am not a baby

Jungkook: but for me you are my baby

Yn: ahhhhhhh you are so bad . She said pouting

Jungkook: only for you my baby princess

Yn: stop calling me baby

Jungkook: i will call you that

Yn: by the way Mr Jeon move back don't come close to me

Jungkook: why you are my soon to be wife

Yn: so what

Jungkook: respect your husband

Yn: you are not my husband right now

Jungkook: you are gonna live with me

Yn: no i will not

Jungkook: you have to i will not let you live alone

Yn: i am use to it i live alone and l like that and now oppa is here so he will be living with me so i am not alone ok

Jungkook: no you have phobias so no

Yn: so what if I have phobias

Jungkook: you will not understand

After a little bit argument yn said ok that she will live with him now they are going home they sit in the car

Yn: Jungkook

Jungkook: yes Princess

Yn: Jungkook please postpone the wedding my fans were waiting for my content for a long time I can't disappoint them

Jungkook look at her then pick her up and made her sit on his lap and stop the car and said

Jungkook: as you wish my princess but when is your content

Yn: my content is after a week and I can't meet you that much I will be busy this week

Jungkook: it's ok Princess now i know how much you are tried now sleep here only and now don't say a word

Yn didn't say anything just put her head on his chest and close her eyes

After sometime

Now they are home Jungkook pick yn up  in his arms and go to the bedroom

He put yn on the bed and call a maid to change yn clothes and he go to the bathroom and change

After a while

Jungkook came and saw yn sleeping peacefully on the bed

He goes near her and lay down on the bed

He hug yn and he was seeing yn face and said

Jungkook: I will never leave you never . You are mine and I am yours only

He said and kiss her while face and at last at lips a soft kiss

And they both sleep together.
.i know this chapter is so short but tomorrow is my exam and even though I write this that's why
I am sorry if there is any mistakes
Or spelling mistake

The next chapter can be a little late and give me some suggestions for this chapter and what should I make

.love you bye cuties

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