family dinner

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Yn Was getting ready for the dinner this is yn dress and makeup

Yn Was getting ready for the dinner this is yn dress and makeup

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Jungkook outfit

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Jungkook outfit

Jungkook was waiting downstairs for yn and then after sometime yn came down

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Jungkook was waiting downstairs for yn and then after sometime yn came down

Jungkook looked at her who was looking so beautiful,hot and sexy ( this is her badass look...OMG)
She was in her badass look which Jungkook never see till today

Yn: Jungkook let's go i am ready

Jungkook: umm... yeah yeah let's go. He was shocked seeing her like this

They came towards the car and sit down

They reach the mansion of Jungkook dad and mom as there was the dinner

They came inside and saw everyone sitting on the sofa

Jk mom: oh dear yn how are you. She came and hug you

Yn: i am fine aunty

Yn dad: i hope you're taking care of yourself

Yn: ah hehe... Yes i will. She said laughing nervously

Yn dad: you better do

Jimin: hey bro what's up

Jungkook: everything is fine

Taehyung: ofcourse you will

(I am sorry I forgot about Lisa that she will come to she is yn cousin too)

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