Night Concert

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Author pov

Yn was all ready for her night concert well she was quiet nervous too but excited

Still yn didnt told about this too jungkook and her other friends and somi

She dont them to know about it . it is Because yn was going to do something on the stage

Her fans blinks were so excited to , to see her concert

She ues to do many concert like this but for a whole year she took rest

And she always does like this if one year she is going to preform then one rest

Author : in real life it is not like this so dont take it seriously it is only for book and what ever I said in this is not in real most of the things only and songs and videos will not be her as she means Jennie has two songs only so she will have other songs please no hate .

So right now it was time to go on the stage and performed

Author: as it is concert so I will say jennie only which is yn

Jennie : so is everything ready

Manager: yes man everything is ready now its your time to ho on the stage

Jennie: umm...yeah can you wait only for some time .

Manager: oh ofcourse why not take your time *smile*

Jennie just smiled and sat there at the entrance of the gate which open after sometime

She was sitting there Because she was nervous and she always do that and it really helps too.

And then it was the time when the gate will open so she stand up for it

On the other side

Jungkook pov

Well I never came to a concert so this is my first time coming

And just to see my princess I saw people looking at me well they all know that

We are going to marry whatever I dont care at all

And me somi , Taehyung and black pink were here too we all were sitting on the vip sit but The vip sits were far away but we can see everything

And then somi said

Somi : its going to start in a minute its going to be so awsome * excited*

Somi said and then the light went off and the fans started saying

A loud they were also excited and the mian thing is yn doesnt know that I am here

And then light came and the show started

Author pov

Note : the songs are not going to be Jennie so its going to be other idols so please dont hate and image like it is jennie and I will give different outfits too in that .

Then the 1th performance started

Then the 1th performance started

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11 ⏰

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