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"We poppin' like ayo. All my bitches got real hair chilling with the top down,screaming like ayo. I'ma take her ass down..". My hand searched around the nightstand trying to find my phone/alarm clock. It must have fallen somewhere on the ground because I heard a faint clunk. Great,another crack.
Anxious,I crawled out of bed only to lay sprawled out on the hardwood floor desperately searching,praying it didn't crack after all. There it layed face down, uncoincidentally next to my rug and I knew my parents probably wouldn't want to buy another phone for me, the 5th one this year to be exact. I scurried over to my silver,caseless phone and slowly picked it up,my eyes forcefully closed shut in fear. "IT'S NOT BROKEN! OH MY GOD!". "Shut the hell up." I looked up to find my brother holding his phone as well. His groggy,motionless expression told me that he did an all nighter,once again,to complete his homework. "Aicka,it's fucking 6:40 in the morning. Some people are trying to sleep",he complained,emphasizing 'trying'. In response, I pursed my lips and uttered a mellow 'sorry'. "Just be quiet", he exited the room, slamming the door behind him.
'Hypocrite', I thought as I got myself together and headed toward my closet. The weather forecast stated that it would be in the mid to high 80's all week long,suggesting me to wear something light snd summery. Halter top.. Too skimpy. Graphic tee..too causal. I ended up picking a TEAM hoodie & cutoff shorts, I know not suitable for hot weather whatsoever, and performed my daily,time consuming morning routine which included a 5 minute singing session. I am not ashamed. Quickly, I smeared on lipbalm and applied mascara which eventually spread onto my eyelid. "Fuck this ", I grabbed a Q-Tip,put it in my backpack, and ran out the house,with 10 minutes to spare. Not too bad for waking up late,spending too much time choosing an outfit,singing 'Habits' ,the remixed version, and attempting to put on mascara in spite of the time. It was way to late to warm up my car and face the repetitive stop lights my neighborhood had so jogging seemed like the best and only option.
After taking numerous breaks, I found myself late to 1st period but didn't bother getting a tardy slip. I opened the door to my homeroom to see everyone going absolutely crazy. The 'ratchets' were twerking on a wall to close to me. Across the classroom, a couple of girls were watching a movie on a..... portable DVD player? The rest of the classroom was either listening to music,taking selfies with the sleepy substitute, or were asleep themselves. I sighed,settling on a desk next to the girls captivated by their movie. "Watcha watching?", I asked,leaning over my desk. "Frozen", one girl eating a bowl of popcorn replied. "Okay then". Seeing no purpose to actually stay awake, I pulled on my hood and fell asleep. 'RINGGGG'. The bell to 2nd period rung. I woke up confused and more tired than before. I gathered my belongings like the rest of the classroom and followed a girl who seemed to know her way,out. We passed by all the main classrooms but I didn't really think anything of it. The girl ahead of me stopped at the girls' bathroom. "Where are we going exactly?", I asked her as she opened the door. "Umm, I'm going to the bathroom. I don't know about you", she replied,giving me a weird look. "Wait,what time is it?!", I exclaimed before she fully entered the bathroom. The girl twisted her neck and bluntly said "2nd Period" before rushing off. Shit. I can't be late again.
Clutching my backpack, I sprinted towards Chemistry with Nelson. "Just in time,Kang. Care to be seated?", Mr.Nelson asked. "Yes,umm,sorry", I snapped out of my blank expression and scurried over to where my project partner,Dax was sitting. As I got closer, I noticed that he had his backpack on his desk as if he were trying to hide something. I sat my bad down and turned around to see a very concentrated Dax fixing his hair. A travel size can of hair spray in one hand and a comb in the other, a compact mirror in front of him. My mirror! As he was spraying his hair, I grabbed my mirror and slide it into my pocket. "Can't have one bad hair day, huh?", I asked,smirking. Dax looked over and smiled while putting the finishing touches on his hair. "You already know". Mr.Nelson walked over to the main board and cleared his throat,meaning everyone to shut up. " I have decided to extend the project's due date to Friday, but you all should be focused or else I will take it back.", he said looking over the class.
I have printed out a handout that might help you. I suggest you use it. Oh, and use your time wisely. I shouldn't expect poor reports. That is all". I took a handout from Nelson's desk and began to scan it. 'I'm lucky to have Nelson for chemistry', I thought. 'He's cool. Besides, the other chemistry class doesn't do shit! At least I'll be graduating on time.' I grinned as I shook my head. After a few minutes, I felt a sudden jabbing in my arm and looked over to see Dax biting his lip ring and cautiously looking around. "What do you want?", I murmured attempting to continue my note-taking. "Hey,let's ditch class", he whispered. I turned my whole body around. Dax has a serious look on his face. "What? No.", I exclaimed,trying to keep my voice low. A couple of students arose from their work and started looking at me. "Shhh", he laid a single finger on my lips. "Yeah,come on. I have a distraction",he replied,determined. "What are we going to do?", my arms were now crossed. "I don't know,anything! Just come with me. Please." I returned to my work but Dax continued persuading me to ditch class with him and venture off into the city. I'm guessing he does this often by the looks of it. I reluctantly agreed and we sort out a distraction: I would ask fat Ol' Nelson to turn on the AC and as he went to turn it on, we would run out of the classroom. I still don't know why I listened to him but I called Mr.Nelson over to turn on the AC. "Sure thing,Kang. Now that you mention it,it is starting to get hot in here.", he nodded his head and waddled over to the AC,the signal for us to run. We grabbed our things and ran but in the process, I managed to knock a stack of books over. Damn it , we're doomed.

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