Dare - Part 2

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Part 2 too the last one shot, some harsher language may be involved along with mentions of s*u1c*d3 and s3l* h*rm so if those things make you uncomfortable or trigger you, it may be best not to read this. Also mentions of some adult actions (it'll make sense where it is)

- "I just can't let you go. Please, don't make me try to make you stay."
- "Don't you understand how much it would hurt me to see you go?"
- "I shouldn't be in love with you."



It's been about 6 weeks since prom and things had not improved, if anything they worsened.

I would try to talk to Y/N, to apologize for everything but when she wasn't ignoring me her friends were trying to whoop my ass for what I had done.

I wish we could get back together but I know it would never happen so I'd at least like to apologize to her for everything.

I feel bad and that guilt had grown. It helped that I was able to truly realize my mistakes by my parents sitting me down and also having me talk with my aunt, Anne, who explained how cheating is painful on anyone who is a victim. Using her experience with her ex husband as an example.

It made me realize how wrong I truly was, but it's too late to do anything.

Danica stopped talking to me saying I shouldn't have kissed her and just had said I was on a date. She also said that I will have to find a way to make it up to Y/N the level of pain I put her through.

Not sure how though.

Anyways, I'm in English when I realize Y/N isn't at school. Which is weird because she never misses school. I realized because English is 3rd period and that was always our first class of the day together, then after that we'd have the same classes for the rest of the day.

Halfway through the class, as we were reading our personal reading books that my teacher would be grading us on, when the phone in the classroom rang.

The teacher answered it and stepped into the hallway. After a couple minutes she came over to me and told me to pack my stuff up and head down to the principals office.

I did so, and headed down. Unsure of what to expect.

~~Small Time Skip To Down At The Principals Office~~

I walked into the room and the lady at the small desk told me to put my stuff on a chair in the main office area then head back to the principals personal office area.

I did so and walked back, knocking on the door and then opening it.

Walking in I was greeted by the principal who told me to have a seat, and in the other chairs was Y/N's... parents. They looked like they had been crying, a lot. Was it over the cheating because I get it but why go to the school about it?

"So Mr & Mrs. L/N have come to the school regarding a recent event. And... and I'll let them explain," The principal says, also seeming to hold back tears.

"Well, Mr. Windsor we know of all the drama with our daughter that happened and frankly we shouldn't be here but it was her wish," her father, F/N (Fathers Name) said, holding the arm rest of the chair angrily.

M/N (Moms Name) put a hand on his shoulder to calm him, and then started speaking, "So, our daughter... our daughter... write you a note and... and I'll just need you read it"

She then hands me an envelope, the only thing on it is 'James' I open it and read the letter.

It was a suicide note.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 29 ⏰

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