Hand Holding

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Not Requested, I just thought this was a cute idea.

PROMPT: Person A makes up a ton of excuses to hold Person B's hand

James is Person A and Y/N (aka you) is Person B

This is a Christmas/winter themed fic cuz I think it makes sense.

Imagine outfits are something like this, or imagine something else if you don't like this imagine something else

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Imagine outfits are something like this, or imagine something else if you don't like this imagine something else

Also I apologize in advanced, idk how Ldn works with times and shopping and stuff so I'm using my American stuff so it's prob not accurate but this is fiction so we can pretend it's very accurate lol.




A car pulled up outside my house, I yelled by to my parents then walked outside. Getting into the car.

My boyfriend of 8 months, James, and I decided that we wanted to spend the day in London and do Christmas stuff together.

This was probably gonna be looking around, possibly shopping, and getting hot chocolate and probably just being that one couple for a day.

In the car was also his sister, Louise. She is literally one of my favorite people ever. She was joining us as a like supervisor but also because she said she wanted to go shopping and stuff.

Overall it was gonna be such a fun day.


We got into London and found somewhere to park. Getting out of the car, we decided to head to a local cafe for breakfast.

We walked there, as it wasn't too far from where we parked.

Louise was a little behind us, texting someone.

I turned to James, and he looked at me.

"Are your hands cold?" He says.

"A little, why?" I ask.

He then wraps his hand around mine.

"Just because" he says, and we walk towards the cafe.

I look back to see Louise smiling a little, giving me a thumbs up.

~Another Time Skip~

We finished breakfast and decided to head off to shop a little. I was mainly looking to try and find the most perfect gift for James.

When I asked him what he wanted, he said that I was enough and all but I want to find the most perfect thing for him because I love him.

I don't know, that just makes sense to me.

Anyways, we walked past some stores and decided to finally go into one.

Walking in there, James grabs my hand once again.

"I don't want you to get lost," he says.


~Another time skip~

We finished shopping, I was able to sneak away from James and get him a tie and watch, which even though small were perfect for him.

I also got a few things for his parents and sister. Also some things for my family.

Overall it was successful trip.

We walked outside and it was lightly snowing, it was very cold but the snow made it pretty.

Me and James decided to go get some hot cocoa but Louise said she had to go meet up with someone.

I'm not sure if that's true or if she wanted to just give us a little of alone time together or something but I wasn't really complaining.

As we approached the hot chocolate place, James put his hand in mine and said, "sorry I'm cold."

~Final Time Skip~

We left the hot chocolate place, and went back to where the car was.

Louise wasn't there yet so James sent off a text to tell Louise we were ready whenever she was.

James took off his scarf and handed it to me.

"You look cold" he says.

I shake my head, and pushed it back towards him.

"Then what'll you do?" I ask.

"Just hold your hand, I'll be fine." He says, wrapping the scarf around me but remaining to stand in front of me.

"You know, you never need an excuse to hold my hand, right?" I say to him.

"I know, I just like to have an excuse," he says.

He kisses me and after we break apart we just looked in each others eyes.

A few seconds later Louise came over.

"Love birds, are you gonna stare at each other all day or do you guys wanna go back home?" She says jokingly.

We head back to the car and sit in the back seat.

I rested my head on his shoulder as we drove off.

At one point we reached a red light and Louise turned back to us and said "I got a picture of you two, send it to yourselves."

We grabbed her phone and looked at the picture. It was truly adorable

*imagine that as the picture*

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*imagine that as the picture*

Hope you enjoyed!
Word Count: 772

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