Death of Molly McGee

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Chapter 1

Death of Molly McGee

Today was another day of enhappifying everyone in Brighton for Molly McGee! She had spent the entire day participating in a ribbon cutting celebration and a parade. As fun as today was, Molly wanted nothing more than to spend the day with her friends.

While Scratch kept disappearing and leaving her alone, Libby was helping out her mom at the bookshop. It made Molly wish that she could spend the day with her two friends. The last time that all three of them spent time together was during the night of the comet. It was a moment that Molly would never forget. She remembered how beautiful Libby looked under the night sky.

After all the time she and Libby spent as best friends, Molly had developed a crush on Libby and wanted nothing more than to tell her how she felt. Unfortunately, Molly was too nervous to express her feelings that night. She was sure that there was always next time and decided not to think about it too much since she had to get back to enhappifying everyone.

Little did Molly know that Scratch was spending all day trying to distract a joy hunter named, Jinx, who was sent by the Ghost Council to eliminate Molly because of all the joy she was spreading in Brighton. After several close calls, he eventually managed to get Jinx to return to the Ghost World, much to his relief.

Relieved that he was finally able to get Jinx to leave, Scratch decided to spend the rest of the day with Molly, like she wanted. He was about to get some ice cream with Molly before Jinx suddenly showed up once again.

"Sorry, one thing is still bothering me, Scratch." Jinx said, startling Scratch.

"Jinx! I thought we- thought we cleared the whole thing up!" Scratch was surprised to see Jinx back.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But if your not creating misery, I get why the numbers are going down, but what I don't get is why are the numbers going up?" Jinx soon got her answer, when she took notice of Molly, who continued to spread joy to others. "Aha! Well, here we go! It's this human girl, Molly McGee!"

It was at that point when Scratch started to panic. If he didn't think of something fast, Jinx would find out that he has been friends with a human this whole time.

"Who? I'm sorry I-I don't know what a Molly McGoo is!" Scratch pretended to know nothing about Molly.

"Hey, who wants sprinkles?" Molly asked, to which everyone cheered in joy.

"Oh, Molly McGee! Uh, well, you know what? No need to take up any more of your time! I'm just gonna- I'll take care of it from here!"

Before Scratch could warn Molly about the joy hunter after her, Jinx stopped him at the last second. "Ah, no no! Joy hunter. That's why I'm here! To find the joy and eliminate it permanently!"

Scratch was soon horrified to see Jinx summoning a scythe with a sadistic grin. "Eliminate joy? You mean eliminate Molly?"

"Unless you've got a reason why I shouldn't." Jinx stared at Scratch in suspicion, to which he remained silent, not sure what to do. "Okay, cool! Back in a jiff!"

With that, Jinx rushed towards Molly, scythe in hand. Scratch couldn't let Jinx hurt Molly, so he rushed after Jinx in an effort to save his best friend. It was too late though as Jinx already reached Molly. With one quick slash of her scythe, Jinx slashed Molly across the chest, causing her to fall to the ground.

Horrified by what he saw, Scratch flew over to Molly's side. Molly's body laid on the ground, motionless in a pool of blood. This had to be a nightmare! Scratch didn't want to believe that Molly, his best friend just got killed. Unfortunately, no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he had to accept the truth that Molly was dead.

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