Friends For All Eternity

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Chapter 8

Friends For All Eternity

With all of the drama of the last few weeks now behind them, Molly and her friends decided to have a sleepover together at her house. One by one, all of Molly's friends arrived at her house to have a fun time.

The sleepover began when Pete and Sharon put out snacks for everyone, mainly Scratch to eat. Throughout the night, Molly and her friends watched movies and played board games with each other. Ollie even got to know Molly's family better. It make Molly and the others wish that they could get to know Ollie's family at some point as well.

It wasn't long before they decided to spend time with each other in the backyard. Here, they all sat on the grass, each of them admiring the stars of the night sky as Molly and Libby happily held each others hand. A few minutes went by before Libby decided to break the silence.

"It sure is a beautiful night out, isn't it, Molly?"

"Yes, but it is not as beautiful as you, Libby!" Molly replied before she and Libby passionately kissed one another on the lips.

"Aww!" Ollie and Andrea awed from how cute Molly and Libby are together while Scratch rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Okay! Let's tone down the romance for tonight!" Scratch said before taking a bite of one last cookie. "You know, these past few weeks have been pretty crazy! I never would have guessed that Molly would become a ghost or that I would be friends with Andrea or a ghost hunter!"

Ollie nodded in agreement. "I know, right? I never thought I would be friends with a ghost! I just wish that my family would be able to see that ghosts aren't so bad after all."

"I'm sure that they will someday, Ollie!" Andrea assured. "If the two of us are able to change for the better, there is no reason that your family can't too!"

Deep down, Ollie knew that Andrea was right. He didn't know when or how he would be able to explain to his family that ghosts are good. One thing that he did know for sure was that he can find a way to convince his family to be friends with ghosts just like how he was convinced by his friends.

"Well, hopefully that day would be soon!" Ollie hoped. "After all, I want my family to be friends with the rest of you."

"And they will, Ollie!" Molly assured. "Until then I'm just glad to be with all of my best friends!"

Both, Molly and Libby continued to hold each other's hands as they reflected on how far they have come in their relationship throughout the past couple of weeks. Whether Molly was a ghost or not, Libby didn't care because she still ended up having a wonderful girlfriend either way. They both shared a lot of wonderful memories together, and were sure that they would share even more memories, along with the wonderful friends they made along the way.

The End 

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