Libby and Andrea's Sleepover

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Chapter 5

Libby and Andrea's Sleepover

Nighttime fell when the time came for Libby to have her sleepover with Andrea. Once Libby was ready, her mom began to drive her to Andrea's house. Libby took one look at the fancy house and it was just as big and intimidating as it was all those years ago. Despite how nervous she was, Libby was not going to turn back now.

Before long, Leah parked the car in front of the house. As Libby's sleepover was about to begin, Leah couldn't help but feel worried for her daughter. Things didn't turn out so well the last time Libby had a sleepover with Andrea and she didn't want Libby to go through something like that again.

"Are you sure you are not nervous about this sleepover, Turtledove?" Leah asked.

"Well, maybe a little." Libby admitted. "But it's going to be okay! Besides, I have Molly and Scratch to keep me company in case I get scared!"

"That's right!" Molly exclaimed. "As long as Scratch and I are with Libby, she has nothing to worry about!"

"Not unless Tinkles here drinks too much water again!" Scratch joked, causing Libby to blush.

Leah sent an annoyed look at Scratch before encouraging her daughter. "Don't worry, Libby! I know you can do this!"

"Thanks, Mom! I'll see you in a couple days!" Libby hugged her mom goodbye before gathering her things and opening the door to the car.

Once Leah drove away, Libby made her way to Andrea's house. She stood in front of the door before turning to Molly, who gave her an encouraging thumbs up. With a thankful smile, Libby rang the doorbell. A few moments went by before Andrea opened the door.

"Libby! I'm so glad that you can make it!" Andrea smiled before hugging Libby. "Are you ready for an amazing sleepover?"

"Um, I think so." Libby replied still nervous about tonight.

Upon hearing the nervousness in Libby's tone, Andrea could tell that her friend was still a little scared. "There's no need to be nervous, Libs! I promise this is going to be much different from what happened in the third grade! I have a lot of fun activities planned for us! There is this new werewolf drama that we can stream! Would you like to see that?"

A slight smile appeared on Libby's face as she replied, "Sure! That sounds pretty fun!"

"Great! Come inside and I will ask one of my butlers to make popcorn for us!"

With that, Andrea led Libby into her house with Molly and Scratch following them. They soon walked into Andrea's room and Libby was surprised by how big Andrea's tv was.

"Wow! I know that your family is rich, Andrea, but I didn't know that you had a tv this big!" Libby exclaimed.

"Yeah. My parents would only get the best for me!" Andrea said as she put on the movie.

Once the movie began, Libby and Andrea started to eat popcorn together as Andrea was unaware that Molly and Scratch were with them as well. Throughout the movie, Molly and Scratch ate popcorn, along with Libby and Andrea. This went unnoticed by Andrea until she could have sworn she heard more crunching noises than usual. Thinking it was her imagination, Andrea shrugged it off as she continued to watch the movie.

After a couple of hours, the movie came to an end as the credits started to roll. Libby felt happy, not only because she enjoyed the movie, but because she got to enjoy it with Andrea. After all the times Libby got bullied, she never thought she would have a fun time with Andrea.

"Wow! That movie was amazing!" Libby exclaimed.

"I know, right? I knew that you would enjoy Blood Moon! It is only one of the most popular werewolf movies ever!"

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