The Ghost is Libby Stein-Torres

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Chapter 3

The Ghost is Libby Stein-Torres

One night in Libby's room, Molly and Libby were hanging out together as they were having a sleepover with each other. The girls played Puppy Prom together, where they played with a couple of puppy dolls and pretended to have them dance at a prom.

"A dance, my lady?" Libby reached her doll's hand out towards Molly's.

"Oh, certainly!" Molly replied as she and Libby pretended that the dolls were dancing together.

Both, Molly and Libby were having fun with their little prom until Molly noticed something wrong. Despite how happy Libby tried to be, Molly could still see the sadness in Libby's eyes. She didn't know why Libby would be upset since she always enjoyed playing Puppy Prom with her.

"Libby, what's wrong? You usually like when we play Puppy Prom together."

Seeing that Molly saw through her fake smile, Libby replied, "Sorry, Molly. I was just thinking about what it could have been like if we went to the prom together. Now that you are no longer alive, I guess it's no longer possible."

It was at that point when Molly started to feel bad for her girlfriend. Truthfully, even Molly herself wondered if things could have been different if she confessed her love for Libby before she died. If she was still alive, she and Libby could have shared a magical night together and slow danced with each other in the middle of the dance floor.

The more that she thought about it, the more Molly realized that she might still be able to make that dream come true. Even if they couldn't go to the school dance together, they could still have a private dance session together.

"Maybe we can still have a dance if you like." Molly said, offering Libby her ghost hand.

Soon Libby's sad expression turned to a smile as she replied, "Thank you, Molly! I would love to dance with you!"

With that, Molly wrapped her ghost arms around Libby as she did the same for Molly. The two girlfriends happily waltzed with each other, enjoying every second of their slow dance. It was a surprise to Libby that Molly danced so well, especially considering that Molly didn't have any legs to dance with.

Before long, their dance came to an end as they stared lovingly at one another. Even though they never got to have the romantic school dance they wanted, they still ended up having a fun time together.

"That was really fun! Maybe we can do it again sometime!" Libby suggested.

"Sure! I would love to!" Molly replied before taking a look at the clock. "Anyway, I'd better get back home. I wouldn't want my family to worry about me again!"

"Okay! I'll see you tomorrow, Molly!" Libby said goodbye.

After giving Libby a kiss goodnight, Molly flew back to her house, leaving Libby alone in her room. With a yawn, Libby got under the covers of her bed before turning off the lights.

Several hours had went by before the sun rose once more over Brighton. Libby was starting to wake up when she got the feeling that she wasn't alone. Curious, Libby opened her eyes and was surprised to see Molly floating just a few inches from her face with a smile.

"Good morning!" Molly cheerfully greeted.

Startled by this, Libby let out a scream before accidentally rolling off the edge of her bed. She slowly got up, feeling dizzy from the fall.

"Oops! Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Molly apologized.

As she recovered, Libby gave her girlfriend an amused smile. "It's okay, Molly! You know, I think you might be even scarier than Scratch. Anyway, I'd better get ready for school."

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